So how long is the list of deconfirmed content now?
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Whats the list so far?
Couldn't find a recent copy of it in the archives so thought I'd ask if anyone else has it saved
>replaced all he/she with them
>no rpg elements
> night removed
>third person removed
>no cinematics
what is the point of customization if it is all first person and cinematics were cut?
Dunno but as soon as they announced you can't be a purist despite them saying you get to pick your enhancements I lost all interest.
>the list of features we made up because we got so overhyped we thought a videogame would have 100% of the features of an intricate tabletop roleplaying game
>and the impressions we made from a 5 year old CGI trailer
big think
effective charisma will depend on your clothing and other npcs
ie, a tranny will trust if u dress as one
ie, a faggot will fear you if you dress ass skinhead
>lost all interest
>avatarfagging in every thread that pops up
you're going to be the first person to buy it
driving is third person, mirrors exist, inventory screen shows your entire body