Here's your $30 DLC

Here's your $30 DLC

Attached: quality animations.webm (1280x720, 1.29M)

Yeah I'm playing this now, it's really underwhelming and bad.

desu animations have always been bad in most japanese games, even persona 5 has those silly looking turning animations that are so typical for japanese games. this is on another level of course, but still

Oh come on, Persona 5 animations are way fucking better than this shit.

Man sometimes I wonder how this is the same company that gave us the masterpieces like Platinum, HG/SS, B2W2 and then proceed to make shit like this

Attached: Scary Maid.png (289x502, 123.14K)

thats my cock chasing her

oh yeah, definitely

thank fuck i didn't bought it

It's probably why they didn't do it in the first place, really. It 'curbs their creativity' because they have to make sure their new creations don't have fuck ups like this. Because lord knows Gamefreak cannot be assed to give every pokemon it's own special effects for climbing stairs and other variables. It's all just one walk cycle for them. Same fucking way sky battles permanently ruined a shit ton of flying and levitating pokemon when there was 14 -- FOURTEEN -- fucking sky battles in all of XY.

Why did you fucking buy it? Did you not see the red flags?

wow who would have thought? fucking retart

holy shit

Thanks for buying it and telling them this work was acceptable, you fucking moron.

Come on bro, didn't you see how bad the main game turned out ? You're better than this.

Cringe. HG/SS weren't masterpieces either, but at least they were fantastic.

Platinum had so much to offer and fixed a shitton of issues that D/P had
B2W2 built on the improvements that B/W had and made it even better and gave us the PWT
Show me any other game that lets you fight every gym leader, elite 4, and champion of every game to come out.
Tell me

Platinum and B2W2 were considerably better than HG/SS

>Pokemon is the biggest multi media franchise in the world
>this is the best they can offer
Imma just turn 360 degrees and walk away.

Attached: 1573663263694.gif (420x237, 3.75M)

Yeah I'm playing this now, it's really overwhelming and good.

Shut up baiting faggot

>main game
>everyone knows you're the champion, even random NPCs and shopkeepers. You're basically a celebrity.
>Isle of Armor
>no one knows who you are, everyone treats you like a newbie

Attached: 1572906607074.jpg (407x286, 12.72K)

Yeah I'm not playing this right now.

You guys will still buy it lol

Look mate, you can enter the DLC whenever. We can't be assed to write two sets of dialogue. Please understand and thanks for the money.

And the best part was that every generation's gym leader and their respective E4 and champions had their battle music. Albeit remixed, for better or worse. But you can tell BW2 was the send off love letter of the audio guys. You could see that even when they put in the old Team Rocket encounter theme in the game, they knew things weren't going to be the same ever again. And what's worse is that most of the songs in pokemon gens since have been total dogshit. Like, there's hits and misses but there's just so much awful shit songs in the 3D games.

Reminder if you thought that SWSH looked pretty bad but still bought it because "lul i'm addicted" then you are part of the fucking problem and should be ashamed of yourself. You also forfeit your right to complain because in the end you still fucking fully supported and funded a shit product.

thanks, i like it

Helps that they're 2D pixel games that just copy paste Dragon Quests's gameplay. Kinda an idiotproof concept. Once they were dragged kicking and screaming into the modern age with 3D graphics it became harder to hide their laziness.

This IP should really be handed off to different developers already.

At least the 2D games still had quality
I mean I played Platinum to the credits last year and it still holds up
meanwhile I haven't touched Sun after catching the totem pokemon and OR is just gonna sit and collect dust

I actually didn't mind X/Y because it actually had a fuck huge variety of pokemon to choose from, probably more than any game before it. Yeah the 3D models looked kinda awkward but I was willing to forgive it since it was the first main line pokemon in 3D... but then they didn't get better, the pokemon variety got worse, and I couldn't bring myself to finish Moon at all, even the pokemon games I didn't care for that much I still managed to finish, but something about Moon just made me lose all desire to finish the main story.

Cope tranny, you lost.

fuck off bootlicker