Mass Effect

So we all agree that Ashely was shit right?

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She was shit but we have to stan her anyway because space rayciss


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Why'd they make her look like such a bimbo in ME3? One of her appeals was that she was homely girl but in ME3 she looked like a failed Kardashian clone.

I understand Ashley overcomes or somewhat softens her racism as her character arc, but she is unbearably racist anyway and her arc is poorly handled. And she's such a fucking bootlicker.

Only thing that sucks about her is that she is still complaining about Cerberus even in ME3.

>but she is unbearably racist
That's her selling point though.

user aliens aren't people

Jack>Tali>Liara>Ashley>Miranda>>>>>>>Andromeda girls

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I agree completely with this except Ashley and Miranda are equal.
One is a plastic boring fake bitch
and the other is Miranda.