Well Jay, what did you think of the Last of Us 2

>Well Jay, what did you think of the Last of Us 2

I loved it *chuckles*
It is so bleak and dark, everyone is constantly miserable. It makes you sick to your stomach.
Even the few sex scenes they added are so gross looking I just want to take a shower

>I agree

Attached: 29429.png (200x200, 56.28K)

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>Well Jay, what did you think of the Last of Us 2?

Attached: 1353818209428.gif (280x296, 1.61M)

They have much better things to do than play video games, like firing at those BLM protesters.

Attached: Jay-with-an-AK.png (454x490, 349.04K)

No matter what opinion Jay states initially, he immediately walks it back.

"I thought it was great...well, not great BUT competent
"I thought it sucked...well, not sucked but there were some issues with it we need to talk about."
"It was okay...well, now that I thought about it there were some interesting ideas here so I have to give it props for that."

I wish you'd try, boyo.

Attached: arrest_me.webm (854x470, 2.75M)

It's almost like most people, when in a discussion, don't feel comfortable nailing down their "objective" truth. It's almost like he's willing to concede or see Mike's opinion on some things, like an actual human being and not people on fucking Zig Forums.

well I didn't HATE it

>Sir, calm down, drink some Tang.

I love how jokerfags are to this day still asshurt because Jay didn't completely love their entry-level 6/10 movie

Shit is shit.
Only faggots backtrack