What's the holy trinity of Pokemon main line games? Pic related is obviously in, but what would the other two be?

What's the holy trinity of Pokemon main line games? Pic related is obviously in, but what would the other two be?

Attached: pokemon-emerald-version.jpg (375x375, 37.92K)

Platinum and HG/SS



Pokemon SpaceWorld 99
New Pokemon Snap

Attached: chad pikablu.png (80x78, 890)

None of them are good. That's the answer. Play another game.

Pokemon Showdown

emerald, FR/LG, HG/SS
anything else is objectively wrong

BW2 and HGSS

This, or BW2 instead of HGSS

1v1 me gen V UU no Piloswine faggot

I thought we all agreed a long time ago
gen 1 Firered/Leafgreen
gen 2 HG/SS
gen 3 Emerald
Everything after gen 3 is unplayable cancer

It's Platinum, BW and BW2.


That's not how the distinction between gens works.

That game I played when I was 6
That game I played when I was 7
That game I played when I was 8

or if you're a manchild
Old good
New bad

If it has a physical/special split, it's Gen IV.

If it has Bullet Punch Scizor, it is extremely Gen IV.

Based retards

No, play a good game.

Is a new gen considered good if only it’s third version and previous gen remakes are recommended (ie Emerald + FRLG, Platinum + HGSS)

pretty much

What's the best rom hack preferably for gens 3-5?
I feel like replaying one of the games but with something new.

If you're up for a challenge, Renegade Platinum.

randomizers are pretty fun

imo it's HG/SS, emerald, BW2. was never a huge gen 4 guy

It's Emerald, Platinum and BW2 with HGSS in 4th and BW in 5th 6th and 7th are XY and ORAS

In reverse order

Yellow, Saphire, White
This is objective truth, I have spoken

Gold, Blue, and Pokémon Snap

HG/SS and B2/W2

Emerald, Black/White, Black2/White2
There, that’s the list
Alternatively, swap Emerald for Platinum if you prefer the gen 4 postgame or Firered/Leafgreen if you insist gen 1 must be part of the list

explorers of the sky, first pokemon ranger, hgss

Nah. Everything from Platinum until B2W2. Emerald is fine but overrated.

Pokemon Red = MGS1 = Sonic 1
Pokemon Gold = MGS2 = Sonic 2
Pokemon Emerald = MGS3 = Sonic 3K
Pokemon Platinum = MGS4 = Sonic Adventure
Pokemon B/W = MGS PW = Sonic Adventure 2
Pokemon X = MGSV = Sonic '06

It’s because the GBA and GameCube were the zoomers first systems so they love Emerald since it’s their first Pokémon game
Ruby and Sapphire were a HUGE disappointment


Pokemon Red
Pokemon Blue
Pokemon Yellow