Hero shooters are becoming a thing of the past. So what is next for the FPS genre?

Hero shooters are becoming a thing of the past. So what is next for the FPS genre?

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Zero Shooters where it's 0 teams of 0 battling out


God I want mommy anna to just sit on my face and flex her anus against my tongue while I make out with it.

What game is this from?

>ow girls look great
>want to fuck them
>hear their ingame dialogue and be exposed to their safe flat boring predictable personalities
>ow porn forever ruined for me

at least you know which studios are soulless by which ones rushed to make hero shooter cash grabs

Good games i hope

rape simulators

it was good while it lasted

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Made me laugh user.
But that's actually not a bad idea. A Zero shooter, where you play as a goon/henchman for an (AI) villain; assist and protect him against the (AI) heroes by attacking them and if necessary jumping in front of their attacks.

imagine the smell

Man, I want to breed with cute brown girls.

>there was no unreal championship 3 before the hero shooter fizzled out

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We'll take Arena Shooters, but rebrand them as NEW Colosseum Shooters


Foot Person Shooters. You have to take photos of the bottoms of female enemies' bare feet without them figuring out why.

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I don't know about feet, but I wanna SMOOCH that armpit.

Long after the last servers shut down, the porn for this game will remain. Porn was Overwatch's ultimate legacy.

Team Fortress 3

Its a shame, but it seems the genre is inherently flawed. You literally can't have both decent balanced and actually fun characters.

you don’t need to actually play the game

how would a foot shooter even work

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What if...
Hippodrome shooters

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arena shooters with actual fucking editors so players can have free content and make what they want.

haha, just kidding. BUY THE BATTLE PASS CUNT, enjoy your denuvo and always online cosmetic grind.

>take hero shooter
>remove the shooting
>keep the skills

Cute brown milf.

>tfw my gf always gets this drunk every single time we go on vacation and I have to carry her back to the room while dealing with "white knight" locals who are probably actually just rapists + hotel staff who want to charge us 2000 dollars for a stomach pump at the on-site nurse
What I do when we get back to the room is worth it but yikes

I wanna fuck young ana

The return to high mobility / high skill ceiling shooters that will filter plebs that are raking in e-sports money.

Also less porn.

players vs bots only but its also played competitively

>hippodrome shooter

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what the fuck that's a real game