Is Abby just fit, or did they put her on Nathan Drake's body? Look at dem shoulders, those aren't the shoulders of a woman
Is Abby just fit, or did they put her on Nathan Drake's body? Look at dem shoulders...
It's a dude. Just look at the sex scene, those are man's pectorals. You don't get to see his penis, but it's obviously another gay scene.
cuckman said he wanted to make the game more trans friendly
that's why he gave abby a man body and shrunk that other girls' chest
She used to have a female model when Abby was younger, then they swapped the head into a male body when Abby grew up, apparently (s)he has the ability to alter bone structure during workouts or taking steroids unlike the average human
I thought the reddit shoulders meme was just a joke.
It’s so weird
She clearly has the body of a woman, just a roided one akin to the right picture, except she doesn't bother with make up or styling to make her appear more feminine.
Her tits are literal pecs though which is very weird, but besides that she's just a roided dyke.
this is the body model for abby
I also noticed something about her breasts. They’re connected to her body around her areola. Which is very unnatural, even for someone who’s juicing
>She clearly has the body of a woman
her shoulders are much broader than the woman in the pic, she has the definition of "man shoulders"
The difference is I would fuck this woman and not the character
The goal : Normalizing men having sex with other men that pretend they're women.
either way you're gay senpai
so you really have to stare at those hideous arms for hours while playing this? She doesnt even wear sleeves? It's disgusting.
Ah.... Steroid use...
Absolutely normal...
Before you zoomers start claiming realism, if you design a female character with a mannish body you start a cognitive dissonance, anyone that see a square body knows it`s a code for men, yet you claim it to be female. That confuses people and make any sort of identification between the player and the character harder. It`s plain bad design.
I firmly believe Cuckman tried to make a tranny but got resistance from Sony and it was too much of a fag to fight it, so he did the next best thing he could.
They aren't much broader at all, and the juicer to the right actually has much more defined and bigger delts.
Abby also unironically has wider hips than her.
Both are roided cunts, the main difference is the right one is more defined and has taken care to style herself in a much more feminine way.
Abby would also look more femine if she bothered wearing make up and letting her hair hang loose, nevermind went with more feminine clothing as well.
either show me the piss test or shut your ass
Have sex incels
They are broad as a man's. Look at Abby next to a real woman with narrow shoulders you know the natural width of a woman's shoulders. This is why everyone calls her a tranny, she has body ratios of a man.
This isn't "muscle" this is bone structure
The whole sub is full of corporate shills. Fuck reddit
Apparently they still produce steroids in the apocalypse
>This isn't "muscle" this is bone structure
whatever you say bro
I'll say they definitely look manlier there.
Abby has this thing going on where she looks way bigger in some scenes and not so much on the render or the rest.
>dead name again and I'll put you in the ground bigot
>I don't want to play this game because I don't like the character's arms
This board is something else. Truly.
If they can keep a fully staffed lab where they live I don't see why not.
Seems steroids would highly help you survive as well especially when the dire effects only come after very long prolonged use.
imagine the handjob endurance tho
how come all these roid raging bodybuilders still look more feminine than abby?
If you think that physique is achieveable natty for a woman then you have no idea about fitness
>I firmly believe Cuckman tried to make a tranny but got resistance from Sony and it was too much of a fag to fight it, so he did the next best thing he could.
No he did it to make people think in the false perception that this is a normal woman, and that women are just like men they can build just as much muscles, therefore, trannies who look like this could be women.
Distortion of reality, if he said that Abby was a man, that would have been less of a distortion of reality than what we got.
Just do this test. Enlarge the pic and then scroll down enough so that you can only see from their neck down, just hide their heads.
Yeah, it's called taste. I don't want to stare at something hideous for hours. Problem?
The woman you posted doesn't have broad shoulders at all, just a lot of muscle on top, just measure the distance between the shoulders and you'll see how it's still inferior to Abby's. She looks like that buff party member dude people made memes about of Mass Effect 2
This game is an absolute shitshow but you're worried about an inch or two of shoulder meat
i feel like the game wouldve been better if Abby was a gay man
Why the fuck are her tits so high up on her chest?
>"I love being strong!"
Doesnt this kind of bodybuilding physique require a heavily controlled diet on top of the training?
Getting that kind of body seems really unrealistic in the middle of an apocalypse, even if it was a man I dont think you can achieve that level of musculature on the entire body
Girl on the right is on roids, the vidya tranny in the middle reminds me of pic related for some reason. If they said they used the womans body as a reference they're lying.
They gave her a roid body
If he was a gay man and far bigger muscle wise you can bet it would.
There would be shitposting on Zig Forums regardless but not so much as with current Abby without a doubt.
A bit but not much, the fact the plot hinges on killing Joel makes it pretty much unredeemable.
Her shoulders look wider when she's a bit behind the other person and she's not front facing the camera as the woman is, it shows how much wider her shoulders are
>"Who will fight me?!?!?!"
>She doesnt even wear sleeves?
I wouldn't if I had arms like that.
Why are there any muscular people at all in this game? Shouldn't they all be hungry skeletons? It takes a shit ton of resources to keep muscle. Like where the fuck do they get the food supply to have more mass than the average Ethiopian in a post apocalypse America?
A man who has never worked out a day in his life could easily overpower this abomination.
>Use roided chick as model
>Inflate the muscles even more
But fucking why?
holy fuck this retardation looks like a fucking parody, leftists are a gucking parody of reality.
>it's a dude
How do we not know this already for sure?
Is it the same deal with trannies labeled as "actresses" in wiki for example without any hint of them being men except for pictures?
the jewish soul harbors a will to transgression.
Scavenging. The reason Ethiopia is starving is because of supply chains being fucked
For women yes, because women naturally carry around 10% more bodyfat than men and it is harder for them to get visible abs as a result.
There are probably men who could get this physique with no specific diet or training but it would require some great genetics.
For a woman though it is absolutely out of the question that this physique is possible without exogenous testosterone.
this game is realistic, bigot
Abby's MOCAP actor is a female bodybuilding who takes probably Anavar.
A heavily controlled diet... and steroids.
it literally looks like they cut and paste her head on a males body even the model who shes made after isnt that huge
What this user said is right those roided women look less masculine than Abby, and they also have more defined muscles than Abby. It's the proportions that are off
There's not that much food to scavenge, most of our modern food supply is in the supply chain before it hits anywhere.
Every muscle lady you posted in this thread except for the one in the OP is Colleen Fotsch, Abbys mocap model
t. wrestler 188 cm/94 kg
Post bod faggot
Эбби - жeнщинa
Literally the most jewish shit imaginable. And they don't just do this in media, they do this for everything. They can't help themselves.