You can't complete this game for the first time without dying

This game is just a trivia quiz with slow and unfinished game play. Only the lowest of the low can enjoy this game.

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post your favorite game

>slow and bloated
>yet any strategy is prohibited
What did from shitware meant by that?

Yeah you go forward until you die, and then you know how to avoid it next time. It’s a pretty fair game design being that a life doesn’t cost you anything.

This is you.

Attached: yasuna - stop liking what i don't like.gif (500x281, 253.07K)

>dude, the game being shitty is just part of the style, nipojitz cant do no wrong!!!!

favorite game
post it

> fair
Yeah, if you enjoy visual novels with some action here and there, and that's if you can stomach the atrocious animations and movement.

>is game is just a trivia quiz with slow and unfinished game play
That's what makes it fun though. The randomness is what gives it that child like wonder where you're on a true adventure and anything can happen.

Games these days have become so predictable, it was refreshing seeing a game that focused on world exploration over action combat like bloodborne did

That’s a really poor evaluation of the gameplay loop