Did Sony convince you to buy a PS5 yet?
Did Sony convince you to buy a PS5 yet?
They could come out with a controller that sucks your dick and I still wouldn't buy it.
There's no reason to buy a console when you have a PC.
no but i will get the controller for my pc
no ape escape 4
Yah! With Demon Souls and the $499 price tag
Can't play next gen exclusives on pc, otherwise it would truly be godlike.
But there aren't that many amazing next gen exclusives anyway..
Nah, uninteresting 'exclusive' games that'll come to PC and shitty paid online connectivity to play MP.
what's the point? 80% of the games look like PS3/PS4 crossgen, spoderman is half the game of the original and the others are who knows how far out
Their sjw shit isn't helping that's for sure
It made me glad i stopped supporting sony.