Halo 3 kino is back on the menu bois

halo 3 kino is back on the menu bois

Attached: halo 3.png (789x666, 747.62K)

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>play Halo 3 on PC
>its actually well made and fun

Thanks a bunch, OP!

Don't bet on it.

It will probably be a clusterfuck of a port with a lot of issues but still it's Halo 3 on PC who fucking cares

Seems solid thus far. Multiplayer seems stable, have yet to lose connection. To be expected though, I don't know how many insiders there are, but the numbers of insiders are not comparable to when the game goes public. Only five campaign missions, decent ones, everything seems mostly in order. The game hangs from time to time but I think that's a general lack of optimization as the other games do it too. Alk of the glitches and speed running tricks still work too.

For anyone wondering about thw hangups;

No, I'm not running on a potato, but it's not a beast either. Running on a twelve-core i7 @ 2.2~4.1GHz with 16GB of DDR4 RAM and a 1060GTX 6GB. Overall the game requirements are extremely low so I don't know why the game has these weird interruptions on and off.

why do faggots like you post about your $1500 gaming pc and then clarify "OH LOL ITS NOT A BEAST HAHA"

new leaked customization options for CE

Attached: 1736344534534321.webm (914x408, 2.84M)

get a (you) for trying


maybe cause that doesn't cost anywhere near 1500 nor is a beast ?