Post dodo's, turnip prices, villagers, houses, island inspiration
Animal crossing thread
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Paintings for sale one remains I presume.
Also, Turnips are at 133 for the curious.
Dodo is: 0SSW9
Reposting B8VBC
Saharah's stock is this
>Simple small blue mat
>Red vinyl sheet
>Sloppy rug
>Laboratory wall
>Sidewalk flooring
Able's is still open and got fairy-tale dresses, dollhouse dresses, retard helmets (aka. bicycle helmets), headbands, Labelle coats, and some other nifty stuff.
No meteor shower, so I hope the hedgehogs make up for something. I'll give a free tambourine for anyone that comes too!
Drawings and watering are welcome.
For the dirt path user
Only the fake Quaint painting remains.
Oh, forgot to mention Francine northwest is crafting a wooden end table, which is different from a wooden LOW table. Check up with her if you need it.
How do I get recipe for flooring for the island?
Some days I miss my first week on the island. It was a...simpler time..
Hah, fucking based.
Post your
>favorite villager currently on your island
>favorite villager you are still searching for
>favorite villager you initially disliked or were impartial to, that grew on you and became your bro/sis
it wasn't just pompom,it was renee too. Oops!
That fat yellow guy with the shrine of that girl above his door
Guess nobody wants it.
Gonna close up now, thanks to the people who came and sorry for that one user who got gipped.
Hope them two gold nugs helps you.
I miss you kiki ;_;. I'll find you eventually
How often do campers appear? I really wanna kick out that faggot Croque.
if you have a slot open, they'll show up the next day
Kid Cat
Kek He wasn’t quite fast enough. Thanks user
Umm, no. I've had a slot open 4 times since campsite had been on my island and not once was anyone there the day after a villager left and my plot was open.
has anyone reset their island recently? i kind of want a fresh start
Don't do it bro
I need more recipes
I have Bea in boxes if anyone wants her
Hosting a meteor shower. Celeste and Saharah are also here and they're located on the southeast beach. Free DIYs by the airport.
Saharah's stock is
>Floral rush-mat flooring
>Blackboard wall
>Yellow checked rug
>Red rose rug
>Simple small orange mat