This looks like the most SOULFUL Souls Like game that's been released in the past decade
Cute too, why hasn't Zig Forums discussed this more?
Little Witch Nobeta
Other urls found in this thread:
Only saw the last thread, don't know if there were more. There isn't much to discuss. Pretty much a souls-clone with the very identical combo of combat and setting and bestiary/monsters, but hey souls combat is at least still serviceable action combat, and paired with a good artstyle/graphics and a loli, it's practically a 10/10 from me.
Things that Nobeta does better than Grimdark Souls:
- melee attacks and I-frame dodging boost mana regen and concentration, so you're rewarded for engaging with game mechanics instead of lame run-away-and-poke strats.
Come to think about it, Code Vein also did this with Ichor drain and Focus.
Could it be... that anime games understand ARPGs better than Myahacki?
Nice. Very cute, very funny. I'll check it out when it releases.
Boring weebshit game #9001
It releases on the 24th right?
I've never used steam.
If I download it and it doesnt run properly on my computer due to it being shit can I return it?
yeah steam's policy covers it as long as you haven't played for over two hours or some shit
>complains about weebshit
>Dragonball meme
Can't make this shit up.
There's a demo, you could try it before you buy
even past two hours you can still often get a refund if you're not refunding most games you buy
>i bought game
>played offline to practice
>finally go online after more than two hours
>like two servers with people on them
>1-2 people per server
>explain this to the refund guy asking me why
>get refund
I meant my computer being shit, not the game.
It's a shitty thousand dollar laptop that can barely emulate.
pedofags will flood the internet with r34. It's just yet another weeb pedobait game from these fucking nips that need a few more nukes to sort em out
There's a demo, you can try it out right now. Unless you meant buying a new cheap laptop and then returning that if it won't run?
Ironpineapple played this and said it was pretty good.
seethe more westcuck tranny
split that dick
i wish she was brown. a sexy delicious brown little witch would be cute!
more like you just fucking suck at these games
Gratefully not I must lament, because then we'd get that kuro avatarfag and its orbiters to start shitting up the threads
Hard agree. The magic regen mechanic encouraged me to stay close up to the boss for maximum effect
nice shill thread
>discussing obscure japanese game by japanese devs
>nice shill thread
take your meds schizo
I saw IronPineapple play it. I'mma download the demo for Steam and check it out later.
Jim is a fucking sperg, but he's got some hot takes.
hearty kek
played this demo.
shit game.
shit thread.
kys shill OP and take your shit game with you
Be cuter if she ragdolled down the stairs if she fell while on them.
played this demo.
based game.
based thread.
bless you good-game-sharing OP and keep sharing your based game with you
Does it play alright with a mouse and keyboard? Nigger roommate stole my controller when he got kicked out.
Miyazaki himself comes from anime land