Why the fuck does Demon's Souls get a full blown remake but Dark Souls gets a shitty half-assed remaster?

Why the fuck does Demon's Souls get a full blown remake but Dark Souls gets a shitty half-assed remaster?
Also fuck them for making pic related no longer purchasable on Steam.

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Because Demon's Souls is a better game

can't improve on perfection. meanwhile demon's was heavily flawed

Demon's Souls is objectively the better game, and everything after it is sunbro plebbitry shovelware made for incels who think they're epic hardcore gamers.

because theres no need for a DS remake
it plays perfectly fine in 2020, plus it has name recognition
while DeS does not

wtf are you talking about demons and dark have identical gameplay
unless you mean that demons multiplayer is now shut down?

>what is private server

If you think they have identical gameplay you should kys

I wouldn't want a dark souls remake handled by anyone but From, and Miyazaki is done with souls. It's a shame though because a proper remake with the second half cleaned up would be amazing.

sadly the emulator doesnt get that ;.;

>demons and dark have identical gameplay
why do people like to pretend theyve played a game that they haven't?

>remake done by outsourced dev
bro, my favorite game is forever shit on because of this. don't wish the same to happen to you.

DS could do with a remake just to finish the second half

what the fuck is different about them then? and yes i have played both

Shadow of the Colossus? I still cant bring myself to play it. The original devs have nothing to do with it so it’s literally soulless

Dark Souls Remaster is simply what the original should have been if wasn’t PS3/X360 hardware limitations and From Software own bad programming.

Demon’s Soul remake has been built from the ground up, has big budget by Sony and talented Western devs behind it. Is agame made to sell PS5s.

No, you haven't. You've summoned for every boss, used a guide and watched a YouTube playthrough.

god youre such a faggot. they both play alike and theres literally nothing you can say to prove otherwise

They are virtually identical you sperg, DaS is simply a more refined version of DeS.

Streamlined you mean. I'm still upset the unique animations for picking up the unique items that were in DES never got put in later games. :/

Yoshida is still salty about mismanaging what could’ve been one of Sony’s biggest new IP.

Its better for Dark Souls this way. I wish Demon's Souls could have just been ignored rather than raping it for some corporate cash grab.

I wouldn't want a Dark Souls remake unless From was doing it

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you should be thankful it's only demon's souls they're shitting on

>corporate cash grab.
This remake is gonna sell PSs, Miyazaki must be feeling honored and is already preparing Bloodborne 2 to honor Yoshida-san.

Dark Souls is more or less complete and Sony does not have an exclusivity deal or ownership of the IP as they do over Demon's Souls, hence Demon's Souls is being remade at all because From doesn't do remakes or remasters of previous works. Just use a texture mod to replace the Remastered textures with the Prepare to Die Edition textures and you have all the good points of both versions of the game.

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Lost Izalith is a fucking travesty and even Miyazaki admitted it.

Hey, In remastered take a look at your feet when your walk, roll, kick or do any kind of movement of the legs in that game.

1. Demon's Souls is a Sony IP
2. Everyone and their mom's already played DaS1, it's can be played on pretty much every platform, while DeS is stuck in a dead console and only sold 3 mill. copies

? Bro those chicken legs ...

I'm usually too busy adventuring or dying to be looking at my legs all the time.

What happenes if I equip two wizard sticks?