so wheres the wild west in this game?
>no desert area
>no typical whacky villians
>few to none dueling
this is such a wasted potiential, what makes it different than gta?
So wheres the wild west in this game?
Why is BotW boring as fuck and looks worse than Oblivion on low settings?
>no typical whacky villians
Get the fuck out, millennial.
people whining about muh duels are retards
you can always initiate duels with police when you surrender and reach for your gun
also learn the difference between spaghetti westerns and revionist westerns
It's not the west, its the east, the west is New Austin.
Everyone in the first chapter is complaining that they are getting pushed too much to the east.
This is one is less western than the first one, i don't mind the environmental change but i hate like the different cinematic approach
Why are you playing such an inferior game?
It's nowhere, the point of the game is that the wild west is over.
They are not even out west, they are almost in the Atlantic.
contrarians are here
where's revolver man
Play RDR1
Never played Red Dead Revolver. Still compared to RDR and RDR2, GUN was far and away the best open world western I've ever played
okay contrarian
rdr is miles better
GUN = 8.5/10
RDR = 7/10
RDR2 = 6/10
Call me a contrarian all you like it won't make those other two better games
>so wheres the wild west in this game?
it was dying just like Arthur. You know all the gun slinging, train robbing shit was going away. It's kinda the whole point of both the games. Did you even play it?
okay contrarian
okay contrarian
okay contrarian
wow that settles it
>no desert area
Are you fucking retarded? Oh wait, this is Zig Forums, people talk without actually playing the games they post about.
>game has some meta message
fuck off with that faggy bullshit jesus christ that is retarded
>having to go back to the first map where there is absolutely nothing to do
>absolutely nothing to do
Objectively false
What the fuck are you even talking about. Do you know what that word means?
no it isn't
there are a few bounties, and very little random events, but that's it
>no it isn't
>there are...
So those two statements contradict each other, great for you.
fuck off retard
>idiot doesn't know what words mean
It's okay, we can't all be non-retarded.
those two equate to fuck all to do
go be retarded somewhere else
if those are all there is to do then he isn't wrong
>absolutely: totally
>nothing: no single thing
Maybe don't spread lies next time.
>if those are all there is
So you do confess you haven't actually played the game you're talking about, nice. Keep it coming.
>no argument
there's nothing to do in new austin
fuck off already you absolute retard
>no argument
On the contrary, I very clearly pointed my argument in . A shame you can't fucking read.
That game was pure kino.
Why is C2 kissing that cat?
except it has all of those so you can fuck roight off
new autism a barren as fuck with nothing to do
don't even know why they bothered including it
Man/woman of culture. Truly felt sad when the dad bit it at the start and gave cause for a great revenge story compared to RDR and RDR2 where you're supposed to "develop relationships" with literal retards. Also had based Doc from Deadwood as a VA