Defend this writing

Defend this writing

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its a game lol

>batman refuses to kill people
>chokes them out and starves their brain of oxygen, leaving them unconscious on the floor somehow still alive for several hours despite irreparable brain damage after 3 minutes

why the fuck do you read twitter shit and then post it here and say that defend twitter shit? you can go to the twitter and write there. it's not hard. i think you click a button and then you can write your comment there or something like that

user you best be trolling, this is not how a choke hold and being choked out works

you're a retard

But Ellie does kill people

Considering the sheer volume of criminals that batman knocks out with blunt force trauma and chokes out, statistically there should be a lot that die.
To give a recent example, lets say batman chokes out a large black man with a weak heart, who's overdosing on fentanyl, and has coronavirus...

>...for 8 minutes in a row

Finished that sentence for you. Never has and never will

I've kept out of the loop, what's the verdict on the spoilers, and what's causing the newest outrage with this overhyped political grandstand?

Joel didn't die for the cure. Nobody cares about the cure.

Verdict? All true
Newest outrage? Probably the story being dogshit, the summary in the OP is the plot

In the arkham games if you knock someone out they basically stay down for the whole game

Cos it's what Joel woulda wanted innit

Because of game mechanics and no other reason. It is merely one of those 'video game' rules as I'm sure you know


As soon as the blood supply to the brain is restored the body begins to wake up. In less than 10 seconds you will be conscious. Now think of all the fuckers you choke out instead of shooting in video games and how long they stay down for

If a guy dies after 1 minute of restraint then what does it matter what was going on for the other 7 minutes

>criminals do crime with intent to kill and harm others
>tries to kill Batman
>is lucky he isn't fighting another criminal that would brutally kill him
>walks away with only an injury

Seek help.

.... No one dies from 1 minute of restraint?

What planet do you people live on, you are aware that you can for example stay underwater for quite a lot longer?

>less than 10
Yeah but you wont be exactly getting back up in 10 seconds at all

Also, yeah videogames, mario also jumps on blocks, pls

People saw incomplete spoilers and jumped to conclusions because of baiting "leakers", but most of the substance shown of Abby was accurate and people had a bad opinion. Journos and Sony start damage control early though, trying to "art" up the game and making it sound like it's on some higher level of narrative despite just being some fucking zombie survival shooter shit. MORE shit comes out that btfos previous leaks and confirms others, and now everyone has a REALLY clear picture of the game. By this point, there's been so much damage control and namecalling from official sources that any good will has been burnt though. There's no real reason to care anyways since the game is just inconsistent and choppy as fuck, with Ellie just jumping to and from random ass set pieces, jobbing at some parts and then becoming some uber cunt at others, sparing some people and killing others for no reason. Shit like two consecutive Joel flashbacks in less than 10 minutes worth of time that drastically shift the motivations of Ellie from "REVENGE" to "Revenge Bad", basically making Ellie some illogical and irrational hormone ball that has emotions that flip towards whatever creates the most drama and subversion at the moment. Ends on a "Revenge Bad" narrative despite Ellie just butchering her way across the map to hunt down Abby. Abby herself has like an okay motivation, but no real reason to prioritize her over the previous characters, and their attempts to retcon previous shit to make Joel look worse in order to justify it is pretty cheap.

tldr - Ellie is all over the place, Abby is just unlikeable, shits on the first game.

This isn't even mentioning all the forced shit like the "bigot sandwich" scene which is basically just the game going "I AM A LESBIAN AND I AM MAD AT BIGOTS". That shit is just out of place, but that's not even why the plot is so bad. It just feels like some disingenuous string of "woke" shit hamfisted across the game.

Batman is a shit character so your argument is shit

It's on the same level as
from fallout

OK now let's put it in the context of TLOU2 (shit game) where a common complaint is that the gameplay doesn't fit with the story. Ellie keeps killing people when she could be knocking them out and sneaking past them. How would that be more realistic? Real life isn't like that, you can't just choke everyone out and have them not wake up for several minutes/hours completely fine with no negative consequences. It's stupid that the "good guy" option in games is twatting someone over the head and giving them brain damage rather than putting them out of their misery

How hard would it have been to write 2 endings. Kill and not kill? Does this happen right at the end or is there story after it?

>>batman refuses to kill people
>I will not be an executioner
not the same thing, killing in self defense is not executing

>walks away with only an injury
You missed the part about permanent brain damage. I'm not talking double digit IQ, I mean fucking completely out of it may-as-well-put-him-in-a-soup irreversible vegetable coma

He didn't die from restraint, he died from excitement. Heart attack, yeah? 75% artery blockage in the left pulmonary descending, and 90% in the other one. Yeh? No flow, yeah? Heart couldn't pump. He said he couldn't break before he was even on the ground.

He sneaks up on them and punches them in the head so that they don't wake up until after he's left the room a few minutes later

>comparing soppy lesbomancy story for girls to fallout*
*unless you compare it to bethesda fallout, then it's fine

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>He said he couldn't break before he was even on the ground.

that's kinda lame for a superhero

Spiderman sticks them to the wall. Iron man kills them. Batman beats them to death and acts like the good guy

I don't fucking know, I heard someone say that on Zig Forums hahahahahahahahah

Uncharted 2 basically has the same endingl

As odd as this sounds, it's her losing two of her fingers that makes this absolutely asinine to me.

If someone bit two of my fingers off, I would be so flashed on rage and pain I would not even be able to consider letting that person WHO ALSO KILLED MY FATHER AND A BUNCH OF MY FRIENDS BTW fucking live. man, trust me I understand the mindset behind it, but they set up the character as a being who is WAY too far gone at this point. Ellie hated Joel in his last days because she felt like he made the journey of the first game for nothing. "Meaning" is an important value in Ellie's character in TLOU2. So much so she leaves her wife and child over it. To come that far and NOT go through with it does not make sense. It was a decision made just to be "subversive", and it's just shit.

Isn't this a zombie survival game?
