Attached: 3B218040-A4C4-458C-BB88-47EE0AAC5E2D.jpg (592x475, 33.17K)
Aaaaaaaaaand fucking dropped
Mason Garcia
Other urls found in this thread:
Noah Lopez
>Ratchet fans get THIS
>Crash fans get OPs dogshit
Not even close to being fair
Julian Roberts
Anthony Butler
I really don't like when a company's inconsistent with a character design even though fans have already previously enjoyed the former. What was wrong with Coco's Trilogy/NF design? I'm looking past the different design choices, but why change her body type now for instance? Unless they're trying to make this entry sound like it's before NF, except her former design has already been implemented in Trilogy.
Gavin Sanders
I told you about toys for bob but you didnt listen
Ethan Hernandez
>first 3 Crash games come out
>they're a generation defining hit
>sequels come out and they redesign everyone "for a new generation"
>all failures one after another and they tank the franchise
>first 3 games get a "back to roots" remake
>they're a hit and revive and the franchise
>sequels come out and they redesign everyone "for a new generation"
Executives are literally physically incapable of the act of learning
John Wright
A literal second chance not to fuck up
Hudson Long
Holy shit, who gives a fuck what the furball looks like.
Juan Morgan
all they needed to do was just fucking keep the NST models and make a fucking extended level pack.
Dominic Howard
NST design under Beenox was fucking perfect.
Logan Long
Oh no.
Jacob Baker
>not allowed to be excited for the n. sane trilogy 3 years ago because WAAAAAHHHHH THEY RUINED THE DESIGNS
>now you're not allowed to be excited for crash 4 and n. sane trilogy is suddenly the gold standard that they never should have deviated from
I wish death upon all of you.
Cameron Fisher
>Hive mind
Adrian Perry
Yes, Zig Forums is a hive mind. Suck my dick.
Jaxon Brooks
No thanks drone.
Colton Ward
yes we know crashtard is fucking nigger worse than sonicfag
it need to be as mediorce and stale as mario
Noah Lewis
they ruined the meatball too
Bentley Thompson
Tyler Mitchell
lets be real though, crash bandicoot was successful because it was an incredibly innovative game at a time when the game industry was just getting back on its feet with a ton of heart and soul poured into it by developers who wanted to make something good and unique.
The very essence of a remake is a soulless cash grab. This is going to be the ghostbusters 2016 of video games.
Michael Moore
The guy who headed up the Spyro games is the one behind this, right?
His style does not at all match with Crash, holy shit.
Gabriel Myers
greetings from America, ESL
Jacob Hill
>Vicarious Visions make the well received Crash remake and keep the art mostly faithful
>Durr let's give the sequel to Toys for Bob who took a fat shit on Spyro's art design
Colton Nelson
at least i'm not in 'murica, thank god for that
Jacob Rodriguez
Jack Green
spyro trilogy has an overwhelmingly positive rating on steam
what exactly is your metric for "well received"
Christian Brooks
spyro is shit
Grayson Parker
Honestly, N-Sane is the only truly solid one.
Bentley Richardson
nice way to admit you had no argument
Wyatt Perry
>>Durr let's give the sequel to Toys for Bob who took a fat shit on Spyro's art design
Man, WHAT art design? Only Spyro himself even had a decent fucking design in the first place, everyone else in those games looked like ass.
Crash absolutely fucking eclipsed Spyro when it came to character design because they didn't all look like retarded muppets. TFB barely had anything to work with in the first place, of course they took liberties.
Carter Smith
>making the yellow character Asian
Aaron Parker
he always reminded me of the mandarin from the iron man cartoon for some reason as a kid
Anthony Brown
Spyro's visuals were carried by the world and level designs, which are all absolutely 10/10 and have a distinct storybook, almost ethereal feel that the remake completely missed because the devs didn't realize that just because modern ayatems let you model every individual crevice of a rock cliff doesn't mean you always should.
Christopher Wood
>character always looked retarded and shit
>woooow why isn't this underaged furry shovelware girl looking like my offmodel hentai??
Charles Price
this, The dragons in the Spyro 1 remake look fucking great, too bad they didn't reuse the same animator for 2 and 3
Evan Scott
>defining anything but cringy tryhardism to tackle mario and fail hard
Mason Stewart
It was such a great time to be a Crash fan when Nitro Fueled came out.
I suppose our time is over lads
Lincoln Myers
now he looks like Lo Wang
Andrew Kelly
Colton Brown
Holy shit did they give her nigger lips? Hahaha
Ryder Parker
>randomly talks about hentai
Christopher Price
oh god
Hudson Reyes
I really don't think the new Coco design is that bad. Crash's head being fused to his chest is far more upsetting.
Samuel Myers
Landon Martin
Every outside the original and their remakes is bad. Seems like there's a message there.
Juan Garcia
Because of the design of a secondary character?
Nicholas Morgan
yeah because being european is the gold standard
Brody Gray
The GBA games were actually pretty good as well to be fair.
John Miller
Keep letting your niggers destroy the little culture muttland have
Ryder Jackson
i refuse to believe youre older than 30
Dominic Rodriguez
It's good to know Nintendies are still seething twenty years later
Brandon Diaz
The other designs are also dogshit user
Jace Campbell
Eli Jenkins
I like skylanders character designs :( I dislike these crash designs.
Asher Sanchez
Refugees commiting government sanctioned rape
Ayden Peterson
People with actual IQ tell other Americans to fuck off and just live in New England, the coast with actual brains
Jordan Nguyen
seething plumberboy
Brayden Watson
Not made by furry :(
Blake Lee
>All it took was one screenshot at a bad angle for you all to throw your toys out the pram.
Just wait for the gameplay.
Lincoln Davis
They fucking keep pushing Mutants