C to crouch

>C to crouch

Attached: gyhj.png (510x509, 418.32K)

>Ctrl to Ctrlouch

Attached: 1590797532436(1).png (261x193, 57.44K)

>Accept on O
>Cancel on X

Attached: PSX-Original-Controller.jpg (1024x891, 54.69K)

>Lift the mouse up to jump

Attached: maxreshqdefault.png.jgp.gif.jpg (1600x900, 167.98K)


>C to check into 3rd world clinic and become vegetable

>C to crouch
>Ctrl to prone
>Space to stand up

Attached: 1584638336816.png (482x427, 145.53K)

>t. seething libtard

>C to protect the c

Attached: 5i32n5pg88u11.jpg (1280x720, 90.99K)

Attached: hSduF.png (320x200, 34.91K)

c to crouch is the patrician way

The first letter in Crouch is C.

Fuck CoD for starting this meme

>C to crouch
>R to reload
>F to flashlight
>G to grenade
>Z to zoom

Attached: 2ef.gif (480x270, 2.7M)

>Hold shift to run

The right way.

>esc - close game without prompt

Attached: 1590377969383.gif (270x178, 2.02M)

>NUMPAD + to interact

>Nintendo and xbox controllers all use ABXY
>they put them in completely opposite places
>have to do the mental math everytime im playing a game to figure out where X is because it's different on dualshock, xbox and switch
>Nintendo arbitrarily calls their trigger buttons ZR or some fucking shit.

Attached: pop.jpg (250x241, 6.87K)

>emulate SNES or DS game
>have to play musical chairs with the fucking keybinds

looks like someone forgot to dilate

>type C R O U C H to crouch

Attached: 1447887907204.gif (470x437, 1.55M)

>Circle to crouch

Attached: acs.gif (498x498, 1.09M)

and the first letter in Squat is E

What is wrong with R to reload, F for flashlight and G for grenade? All of those make complete sense.

yo my fucking tablet keeps changing letters on me after I hit spacebar or enter wtf

>fps with command line control scheme

>japanese PS games use O for accept, X for cancel
>western games use X for accept, O for cancel
>xbox has A at the X position, B at the O possition
>nintendo has A at the O position, B at the X position
>thus you press the right face button for yes for japanese games, the bottom face button for yes for western games

>repeatedly press L3 to run

>Mash square to dilate

>Based lobster mechanics still hold up today
What other games do this

That's how it should be.

"Alexa CROUCH"

And the problem with this is?....

Attached: 4034502-3074414901-Wtf_a.jpg (409x425, 42.84K)

>c to clutch
>arrows to shift gears

Attached: 1590342283325.jpg (1000x1000, 77.55K)

Clearly it should be Mouse 4.

>left ctrl to crouch
>c for hold crouch

Attached: 1588667348056.jpg (753x887, 219.84K)

>Sprint is a toggle
>Aim is a toggle

Attached: Katana.jpg (960x945, 154.97K)

It's no joke man

>hold CTRL to crouch
>C to toggle crouch

Attached: 1542752612900.jpg (900x1200, 148.83K)

>C for cunny

Attached: 1592390119406.jpg (1592x1080, 536.22K)

I threw up in my mouth

>game has something bound to mouse3 by default

Attached: [extremely loud laugh track].gif (649x472, 2.18M)

>press C to clean room
>it works

Attached: 1494624641713.jpg (1366x1080, 450.97K)