Here is your PS5 in 10 years

Here is your PS5 in 10 years

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Pee S5


Wouldnt we have PS6/PSonline or whatever in 10 years?

They stopped using plastic that changes color during the snes area. Late model snes's are still the same color as when they were brand new.

Attached: snes-jr-con-dos-controles-y-siete-juegos-D_NQ_NP_822208-MLC26534918187_122017-F.jpg (1200x958, 229.33K)


right now you're insulting my intelligence by implying i will buy a ps5 at launch which is very rude


no this is

Attached: 81dea19a-e82b-45ce-9237-01567d2e-600x337.jpg (600x337, 54.34K)

except i'll be selling the piece of shit by 2023 after beating the 2-3 worthwhile exclusives

It turned into foreign currency?

how Zig Forums would have reacted to pic related?

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stop smoking faggots

god damn ps5 would yellow faster than my 25 year old virtua stick

>10 years
Give it 2 months

I was thinking about this a few days ago.
that is why I'll buy the slim version with whatever other color they have that is not white.

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Thanks for outing yourself third-world nigger

the latter being praised and the former being mocked, exactly the same as now

Modern plastics have a lot less issues with yellowing. Older plastics had a issue with distablaized bromine from UV. It's really not the case today.

Sony fanboys will defend anything playstion to death

But my country doesn’t use US dollars kek

Several years ago I've seen a white DSL modem that changed color from overheating, without any exposure to direct sunlight. It kind of looked like PS5, too.

Nu sony is too pretentious to have a brick design, it would have been very weird for them to have something box shaped.


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I don't smoke though

>not buying the imminent all-black pro model in a few years
Thanks for the beta testing.

In some strange way I feel this works better

Attached: what.png (394x360, 93.88K)


I agree. PS5 looks like a combination of a 360 and xbone baby.

is the PS5 design American or Japanese?

I-Is it supposed to be the color of dried cum?


yup, the PS5, now THAT was a good console