>black and white film grain filter for classic Kurosawa jidaigeki chanbara-eiga vibes, adding an extra layer of kino
>able to switch to Japanese with subtitles for extra authenticity and immersion, with MC voiced by Kazuya Nakai (Zoro from One Piece, Mugen from Samurai Champloo, Date Masamune from Sengoku Basara)
>preorders skyrocketing with the special edition and collector's edition already sold out on Amazon
>Xbots, Nincels, and Mustards already seething hard that they'll never be able to play this masterpiece in the making
Yup, I'm thinking we've got a GOTY on our hands boys.
I just want a fun game for my ps4 i see no point in keeping this hunk of shit anymore.
John Russell
>black and white film grain filter for classic Kurosawa jidaigeki chanbara-eiga vibes, adding an extra layer of kino This shit cracks me up every fucking time. Kek. Well, maybe the game is actually good. We'll see.
David Lewis
The game has stances like in Nioh. Parrying and counterattacking are there too as a layer of authenticity to actual iaijutsu as a lot of attacks and techniques involve either quickdrawing or parrying and counterattacking and killing the enemy as swiftly as possible. If they want to balance it though, they should have it so enemies can kill you quickly too and make the combat like Bushido Blade.
Angel Allen
i was actually looking forward to this game honestly. the initial reveal years ago looked great and i was excited to see what they were going to come up with when they said the combat would differ depending on the difficulty you chose but after seeing the massive downgrade to everything it just looks like a cheap AC clone. very disappointed, and to think i was looking forward to this more than sekiro
Sebastian Robinson
It looks good like-
>most realistic history
-ok, I don't care about this if it's fu-
>old female samurai general
into the trash it goes.
Logan Lopez
>all that shit >after that horrid gameplay reveal This game's going to suck ass even more than TLOU2, which at the least has some enjoyable combat sections. What a fucking waste of a developer. Give me Infamous 3.
Robert Carter
I might still pick this up but if you really think the gameplay is going to be anything other than asscreed with less bullet spongy enemies after watching the reveal you're a retard
this game looks boring as shit, they didn't appear to do anything original with the gameplay when they had a cool setting to work with. literally just took aspects from AC and Arkham and cloned it into feudal Japan
Gameplay seems alright but I lost interest when they had that anarchronistic armor, I get they might be afraid that audiences won't be interested but when you sell your game as historically accurate and you have that major of a change it doesnt inspire confidence in me. The black and white mode they're trying to sell off as a kurosawa tribute was hilarious as well.
>> I'm not shilling here I unironically have wanted a game like this since i was a kid. I can't wait to play this if its not shit and no amount of Zig Forums shitting on this will get me to not buy it assuming its good.
Black and white with Japanese audio is the way to go.
not gonna lie, it looks like ac japan except made by someone else
Jonathan Bell
This. open world cinematic samurai kino has been on my list for a long time.
Brody Richardson
Is playstation exclusive exclusive?
Benjamin Williams
Zig Forums, please help me. this game looks good, but it's actually just ass creed right?
Jaxson Reyes
>It has stances so it's like Nioh!!! Come on now
Ayden Fisher
>I don't care about historical accuracy unless so long as the game is fun >Unless there's a female samurai in it
Jaxson Price
Its a mixture of Nioh, Sekiro, and Ass Creed. So its not just Ass Creed, but is looking to be a good open world samurai rpg.
Camden Hill
>underage SPfag still spamming his shit breh
Kevin Thompson
Everyone keeps saying Ass Creed but I get more Red Dead vibes from it. Am I retarded?
Ryder Turner
>westernshit tries to steal honorable japanese history Disgusting cultural appropriation, blackface in game form.
Aiden Lopez
Female Samurai called Onna-buegeisha existed. They were usually in combat in times of need, pretty sure a Mongol invasion fits the bill, so it is historically accurate. other user is just a Zig Forumstard
Dylan Watson
That doesn't sound awful. People overreact to bamham combat, its perfectly fine.
Ethan Clark
Half of the gameplay trailer was about climbing shit and throwing bombs, that's old school Ass Creed
Andrew Perez
Onna-BUgeisha retard
Henry Bailey
>ummmm actually there was one black samurai so it's totally normal Yikusu
Jacob Thomas
Old school Creed was peak Creed. Fuck these new games.
Chase Ward
This. Open World samurai/ninja is what I wanted since Assassins Creed. Ubisoft for some fucking reason doesn't want to touch feudal Japan for whatever asinine reason.
Charles Martinez
Oh look, another assassins creed game with a boring empty open world.
>dude that totally existed en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onna-bugeisha >western articles exist >japanese article does not Yeah dude this is clearly a well established and celebrated part of the japanese history. Now if you just find me the japanese article about it rather than westernshit attempt to rewrite japanese history
Its a sony exclusive, its not cool to like those on Zig Forums. Its xbox only for sexy muscles and bro hugs
Lucas Gomez
Fem-sams were more common than nig-sams though.....
Zachary Allen
I really appreciate the aesthetic and setting, but some part of all this reminds me so heavily of HZD that I can't get past it. I keep expecting a robot to pop out out of a bush or something. Also, this is more a me thing but the fact that there's a map is a huge turnoff. This seems very modern open world. The ragdolls for some kills were pretty hilarious too.
Owen Wright
you would be right, they even ripped off ubis UI aesthetic and sounds effects
this might be the most uninspired derivative game I've ever seen. I was really looking forward to it until they showed the gameplay and it looks like an early ps3 title
basically, I've played it before a half a dozen times, I don't need to play it again