
Continued from earlier
Placeholder thread for OP user

Please remember to keep it on-topic (ie:vidya) and SFW

This is the .rar file with all 280 frames, find one that you like and claim it in the thread, then redraw the frame(Vidya related of course).
>1280x720 PNG format please.

Check this spreadsheet to see which frames have already been claimed/delivered.
As people claim and submit frames, they spreadsheet will be updated
>Check this spreadsheet to see which frames have already been claimed/delivered.
Column on the left is claimed, right is delievered

Attached: op.png (1280x720, 976.51K)

Someone should redraw 48, it's not vidya related.

Ready for action, spreadsheet doesn't seem up to date.
Any frames left for us to claim?

use subject line bro

someone should shit down your neck

Regretting what I made wishing I made a vermintide frame

It's a placeholder

In b4 trannies
OP made the thread originally to point out the double standard that Cuckmann is allowed a fairly graphic sex scene yet you cant even have anime tits without sony banning it, putting in the other characters points out how off it is


#50 report
Almost done
Give me something to use as background

Attached: 646456456456.png (919x535, 115.17K)

Attached: dcl12ai-e7432e86-6ae6-4e4c-8724-cb2284eb6c8b.jpg (1920x1080, 286.18K)

How long have been since OP gone to sleep?

Attached: zoot.png (622x497, 423.17K)

Take this

Attached: 15658412.jpg (602x602, 51.09K)

Smash's pokemon stadium should be fine

bros I think OP abandoned us

Attached: 1562601454765.jpg (600x600, 45.75K)

where can you see the images? Sorry I'm new noob.

That's funny but we can get something better

furfags unite

He accidentally shows his nose just now needs some catching up.

based and barapilled

Attached: monstermind.png (1076x892, 99.31K)

Should the Bert and Ernie one be redrawn as well?

Based and furfagpilled.

this isn't funny it's just furshit

How long has it been since you've been to an English class?
But for a serious answer he just came back online so he's got some catching up to do.


We want to keep it vidya so yes.

Attached: 29716197_2165378607019315_5664813807587819520_n-1.jpg (1080x793, 47.71K)

Backlinks to previous threads

Attached: 76qdqq5f7c431.jpg (640x530, 30.24K)

we want to keep it Zig Forums so blow it out your ass


i love the reference and the effort but it just doesn't match the original frame enough

Attached: 250_1.png (1279x691, 257.03K)

Please don't, it's fine.

Is OP actually back yet? He has a tripcode so you can tell hes posting

I really don't want to be that faggot but the mods have deleted the thread before for showing tiddys, please at least spoiler it

It's really good but it's definitely not vidya. I say we let OP decide when he shows up

you're both faggots and should kill yourselves

This would stop the normies from stealing it to be fair

Attached: 1592613808556.webm (640x360, 3M)

same can the artist make it more on frame or just replace it?

Glad to see that your using my suggestion user, good work so far!

Flipped view of the Pokemon Daycare Centre, with May and the Old Man watching from the fence and May liking what she's watching.

Attached: Pokemon-Emerald-large-296[1].jpg (1100x618, 107.49K)

Draw a better one. Even better, redraw that same frame so it fits. For what it's worth I agree the pose isn't at all the same as in the original.

This thread seems to be the good one, so I'm gonna repost this, I updated frame 96, wherever you are OP, take my energy.

Attached: frame 96 RTX ON.png (1280x720, 643.71K)

>That one faggot that posted it on his twitter.

he just went to the store for some smokes and milk

How do we know OP is not [Druckmann/spoiler], and we're doing free PR????

this, the pose is wildly different

not really

link to the post user?

I hate furfags but this is the point of the video, it shows that Cuckmann is getting away with putting porn in his interactive movie but you cant put anime tits in other games

Look you fucking newfags if you want to spoiler something just hit Ctrl+S in the future. And this isn't free PR, we're making fun of druckmanns magnum opus.

Where can we see the images that are done already? Please help, I'm noob.

what in the world happened to my spoilers

he shows up on google docs


Can we get 250 redrawn please?

easy, it's just


in some of the frames

Don't forget slower version OP

>tfw everything is claimed
came too late

Not posting here yet but showed up in spreadsheet
around this time