>bloodmoon boss drops nothing and scales to 21k hp at master. waste of fucking time fighting this
>queen slime drops nothing also harder than mech bosses themselves lmao
>empress weapons outshined by pretty much anything else (fishron, events, dungeon)
what's with making op bosses with shit loot?
Terraria has devolved into cheese strats and minmaxing: the game
>hook of dissonance can't be used to warp through 1- or 2-block high gaps
I genuinely don't get what the point of it is. The SINGULAR use that I can think up for it is saving yourself from when the Destroyer loops over you.
If you play a dumb gimmick mode you deserve the dumb gimmicks you get. There's a perfectly serviceable base game and when you're done with it you can move on instead of slapping health multipliers on everything and going at it again
cute slime
Eh, the items could use buffs, but the drops are nice nonetheless. The slime mount in particular is REALLY useful. It's eclipsed only by the flying mounts in the late game.
blame faggots who immediately rush to craft the golden shower and then use nothing else
>Stuck on Stick of Meat
I don't want to build a street of ash on hell just for this fight.
Any tips for melee beating WoF on Expert?
>optional bosses are hard
Whew lad, its almost if you don't understand the purpose of having a challenge.
don't fight WoF with melee
Yeah, my tip is you build a street of ash on hell just for the fight.
Building a bridge has always been the way to fight the WoF just get over it and do it
There is literally no other way to do it. That’s why Terraria blows hot ass.
1.4 added basically nothing good to the game and was a waste of an update.
You need a piercing weapon, coupled with beenades to keep the hungries off of you. As usual, you should build a bridge out of ash (with the occasional platform to let lava sink through). Incase you haven't already, you should be working your way up to terraspark boots for both the speed and lava immunity. Also, have you tried flails? They're very powerful at this point in the game due to how they've been revamped.
I don't know how you managed to get that from his post. He's very clearly complaining that their drops are useless.
use yoyo
build a bridge
>bosses are juiced up retarded statchecks that require you to use a limited pool of weapons to even scratch them
>players forced to use ichor
its a problem of the game then
hold on man, i use cursed flame/holy arrows, orichacoom armor and repeaters to beat the mech bosses
>Harder then mech bosses
Nah, you just suck. She was stupid easy for me when I had the proper arena for her. The real problem of her fight is the adds. So get her in a body of water for the first part and she can't do anything and won't even teleport out. This allows you to fight against the adds that get spawned. Then during the second phase, you just simply stay diagonal to her and she won't hit you with the blobs. As long as you have a multi level arena, you can have all of the adds falling off to the ground and can avoid all of the bouncing projectiles. Once I understood this, I barely got hurt and I beat her as a summoner using Spiders and the fucking Firecracker whip.
Master Mode is a joke, took the so much time to add a "lol just give it more health and damage" difficulty. There's plenty of mods reworking vanilla bosses if you want a more unique challenge.
I just said to blame ichorfags since they're the reason why bosses are juiced up retarded statchecks
Bridges are for babies. You can easily kill WoF without a bridge as long you have some mean to walk on lava.
You do have to clear buildings getting in the way though, also it's impossible to beat it with meelee at higher difficulties unless you count Starfury's stars "meelee".
>people have a hard time beating these bosses
I guess I just got too good at the game.
This thread is now a Master Mode Thread.
Post Master Mode Stuff
Yeah, I got the boots after fishing for lava crates for some hours (and then giving up and raiding one of the 1.3 worlds I made) because I tought I could just run on lava the entire fight.
Will try using the Sunfury and that shadow spear next time, along with clearing up my path of houses and making more honey pools.
Sunfury is amazing because both modes of attack are great. The spinning helps control rogue hungries, and the throw is great for longer range.
>empress weapons outshined by pretty much anything else (fishron, events, dungeon)
Shit take, the rapier is better than moonlord weapons (excluding the Calamity reference).
>advertise a new difficulty setting with the Journey's End update
>AI completely unchanged from Expert, only higher HP and damage values
>all drops aside from the ship are completely worthless
Who allowed this?
Red lost his touch.
I wish the desert/ tundra biomes had bosses. Tundra esspecially feels like a useless biome besides frost cores and a couple of unique chest items
It's for bragging rights. It's silly, but I can understand. Expert was the superior difficulty mdoe.
why waste time implementing new boss patterns or drops when you can add torch luck
>AI completely unchanged from Expert
Got any examples then?
get a gamer bf and protect him from mobs while he does it for you then
Why the fuck are the bosses health pools balanced around an item that doesn't exist in 50% of worlds
love seeing faggots complain about a game that has given 8 years if free updates.
git hellwing bow and pop potions
Nevermind I was mistaken. I skipped expert on release so I thought the worm firing constantly aboveground was new to this mode.
because faggots can't live without their defense-reducing and hp-regenerating items and always make mini-crimson biomes or have an extra world
>boss isn't hard if you cheese
yeah no shit friend if i build a sky bridge that the destroyer can't even get past to do his attacks he isn't hard
fight her and other mech bosses with a normal arena and everyone can understand that user
Tanks are fucking OP now
>stack Warding on everything and take no damage
>still do more dps with true melee weapons compared to running away like a bitch with missile swords
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