Defending goty
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Forbes is pozzed, so of course they'll defend it.
This is the problem.
The Shill Media is out in full force today lol
Based asians
Has there ever been a case where it was this obvious that all the scores are paid for?
The problem is people liked Joel, and they killed him at the beginning in a dumb and pathetic way.
BWAHAHAHAHA so much for the "real reviews" fags and trannies were leaning on
Has there ever been such a shit storm in any form of modern day entertainment ever? This is better than I could have ever imagined.
Paul Tassi is part of the SJW crowd, never believe anything he says or writes. He doesn't believe what he writes either.
>ever understanding art
lol, it's literally a coomer race.
Oh no it's retarded
Ah yes, the rich white jevvish family that get royalties for eons out of that stupid magazine with a holding trust in Wyoming
has to be a joke
yea not surprised ricels are seething
non-paid reviewers are finally releasing their article
Based Koreans, you think Kim will tolerate bad games? Only the best games for Best Korea!
shills going on damage control, all ready to label everyone who doesn't support the crappy game as some form of bigot. Then after a week or two the game becomes forgotten and they move on to the next crappy game to shill
Translation: I'd rather be watching a movie
>be games journalist
>don't enjoy playing games
Cinematic driven video games were a mistake. This idiot really wants to review movies.
“There’s too much game in my movie!”
>if there's anything wrong with the game, it's that there is some gameplay
Get I'll go read Chinese/Korean reviews for honest criticism. How is it that they can even go as far as admitting Sony bullies/pay off reviwers but not one "journalist" here can?
TLOU2 is shit, but it has nothing to do with lesbians or trannies and has everything to do with a game that wants to be taken seriously in an artistic context but absolutely refuses to acknowledge the ability of gameplay to serve as a medium for artistic intent or narrative ideas.
Journo exposed. If only we could make them wear some kind of badge to save us all the trouble.
Wow the chinese were right.
>muh buzzwords
hello rabbi, still can't stray from your script?
It's almost like people in the media are in a clique and rigorously defend each other and their unified opinions
What a shock
This is what happens when the rest of the world looks at something created entirely through the lens of this new American woke cult.
They're disgusted by it.
O'm not Zig Forums. But Forbes is not a credible source for game reviews or even news at this point. They're corporate lapdogs.
Everyone hated it because of Joel's death. He made the 50% of tlou1 the rest was the story
>NOOO you can't point out the woke propaganda
these people probably wonder why they're so hated
incel chinks are seething because they can no longer take care of a little girl
>faggots, dykes and trannies are upset that Asian countries don't kowtow to their will
>be racist in the process
Not surprising.
>what's wrong with Jewish propaganda?
>something created by a Jew
Nice try, rabbi.
>After playing it for around 12 hours or so
Stopped reading there.
but there's a HEAVY emphasis on exploration and gameplay. people who say this haven't played the game. it's radically different from the first one, that was super linear.
Fixed that for you
>It's almost like jews in the media are in a clique and rigorously defend each other and their unified opinions
Mixed opinions are a thing that occurs, user.
>Jews understanding how to create art
Picasso sucks
Except it's only media outlets defending tlou2 users are being silenced for expressing disdain
so many journo’s defending still no sale numbers hmmm
Only if you're outside the clique or the product doesn't belong to someone in the clique
>too much boring gameplay
>not enough narrative
i've always had my suspicions but this confirms them - all asians are racist misogynistic incels. they're probably all white supremacists as well.