Thoughts? Another patch was released to fix the Chapter 3 crash glitch
TFR Emblem
Other urls found in this thread:
One of the devs here, old saves might still cause crashes on ch3, so use a new save.
Nigger is going to be fucking mental to use.
someone give me a quick rundown on this shit
Autistic wrestling network TFR now has an official ROMhack of FE8. There's a demo out for the first 5 chapters and a gaiden.
Zig Forumsidya wrestling now has a fire emblem romhack
Basically what said
Why is Janny ripped? He should be a fatass
he got bullied so hard he went full nerd rage mode
He's like a hentai orc. Built like fuck but also a fatass.
what the fuck is tfr and what does this all mean
>he doesn't know
please user, I want to know
Vidya crossover wrestling stream that now has a Fire Emblem Romhack
How do I complete Chapter 2?
thefinalrumble on twitch and youtube
NungoTFR on youtube
Talk to Johnny and then seize the throne Travis is sat on.
is there an archive of the streams? would love to get into this
thank you user, have a great day
There was a recap yesterday for Seasons 1-5 if you're too lazy to read through the wiki
Seasons 1-4 are (mostly) archived on the Twitch "Videos -> Highlights" page. Season 5 is on Season 6 started yesterday
another questions
where are threads about this done? haven't seen any on Zig Forums, and also, for how long has this been a thing? I feel like a newfag now
>haven't seen any on Zig Forums,
Look out for wrestling related threads on Friday
>and also, for how long has this been a thing?
Little more than a year
holy fuck, there's even a wiki? i really gotta catch up
alright, will do user, thanks for everything
Fridays at 5PM CST (which is the stream start time). You'll see probably either a WWE 2k20 thread, a Kotomine Kirei thread or a "I THINK X SUCKS" thread
So how far are all of you anons? Any of you made it past chapter 5 yet?
Beat the demo, including Gaiden.
i started but then got side tracked by work and drawing a bunch of shit with the templates
Who's /yourguy/?
Boomer. He actually needs to be nerfed.