Skate 4 gets literally announced.
Zig Forums doesnt give a shit.
Better shitpost tlou2 breads.
Predicting the future: muh EA is shit, muh lootboxes, muh dont want Skate 4 all of a sudden.

Attached: skate-wallpaper-nat-games-logo-ea.jpg (1920x1200, 497.38K)

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Hopefully they release 4 for PC too.

How new are you? You know Zig Forums only post things to be angry about

>muh EA is shit, muh lootboxes
Correct, at best I can only be cautiously optimistic about it.

im a oldfag but there was always a thight little Skate community here, so even if im suspicious because EA, the announcement was one of the few interesting things in gaming over the last years to me.

It's been too long and I don't care anymore

It’s basically a vidya rule that EA always manage to fuck things up

I'm erring on the side of skepticism because the announcement was literally "okay you've been fucking screaming at us for literal years, we'll do it eventually but we actually haven't started yet, please shut up"
It's also just "a Skate game", not "Skate 4"
The chances that it'll be some low budget shit even worse than Skate 3 filled to the brim with nickel & dime-ing are high

If it's next gen exclusive I don't care.

Skateboarding isn't cool anymore. It's not 2001.

Skate is garbage Tony Hawk is way better

It's more culturally relevant now than it's been in a decade, considering it's in the olympics

What, do you actually think it will be good? Lol.

New Pokemon Snap and Skate 4 are the best announcements in the last few years, and they will both most likely suck. Such is the modern era of gaming.

skateboarding is fucking gay

>lootbox skate decks
No thx

I liked the tony hawk's arcade vibe over the lofi thing skate goes with

this is a thps board

It seems incredibly hard to fuck up Pokemon Snap
Literally anything they do with it will be an improvement as long as it still has the same basic formula

I do want Skate 4, but this is EA so a wait and see approach is what needs to be had. There are many years between now and then for them to ruin everything.

Skate 4 is going to be soulless

Skate wiped the floor with every THPS game, this has to be bait.

>literally announced
As opposed to what? Figuratively? -_-
Also any word if it will be on Steam or ps4 perhaps?

>tfw thug 1/2 runs like shit for emulating
Or is my cpu just too weak?

Pic related is still the GOAT skating game. Give me my HD remaster already

Attached: Disney's_Extreme_Skate_Adventure.png (1537x2170, 3.6M)

What stupid rebuttal. Heaps of shit no one cares about is at the Olympics, like shotput.

Skateboarding is like nu metal and pro wrestling: everyone was all about it 20 years ago. Fads over and everyone grew up.

Watch them figure it out.

Skate 4 has been announced with nothing more than "yeah we're making it I guess idk lol", what fucking outpouring of hype on blind faith for EA are you expecting?

Who cares, still cool
And everyone still loves skating games anyway, because they're nostalgic for oldfags, don't require being a skilled athlete, and have more structure than what in real life is essentially a form of urban dance

How are they gonna fuck it up bros?

>essentially a form of urban dance
Nigga, what?

i expect nothing from EA but the devs loved their project at the time, i just hope we get a Game like Skate 2, with more Online compenents, wich were nice at Skate 3.
I know, it could have lootboxes BUT, EA knows they cant make as much money from that game as from FIFA etc. Maybe its "fanservice" and will be good.
Besides Dragons Dogma 2, this is my second unrealistic hope.

what do you want us to say? literally all they said was they are making it. no screenshots or anything.

Thats actually totally un true. Its true to say skating had a peak in the early 2000s. Its starting to resurge again. Skating is a very cult culture much like neets in their basements playing obscure jrpgs here's ur urban dance incel lol

>It's also just "a Skate game", not "Skate 4"
i wouldn't be surprised if it was just a remastered trilogy

user saved the threat, nice one

Skate 3 Servers went online again, i dont think its a remastered trilogy.

I'd be fine with that desu. The 720p 22fps that the games run at is shit

Tricks are just glorified dance moves, my man
They're movements that people assign vague value to based on subjective visual appeal and the perceived skill required to perform them
You could alternatively compare it to a gymnast if it means that much to you


Did anyone in this threat actually play a Skate game? i feel no passion

thread theme

I only played 2 and 3

bought 1 a few weeks ago, played it on Xbox one. damn that was a sleeper hit.

I'd have passion if they didnt run like SHIT

As long as it comes to PC thats good too

what platform are you on?

Ps3. Only played 1.

àh okay, Xbox360 run way better in the days. Skate 2 was a Large improvement , Skate 3 was really nice too, you should check it out. Servers are online too since 2 Weeks. Played those games to death

Cheers I'll check it out

i loved the series in my early-mid teens but i'm 26 now and i'm not interested in skateboarding anymore. also it's EA so it will be shit. i think it will flop, skateboarding doesn't seem to be popular these days

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