So, what would you like to see for the next DMC game? My thoughts are:

So, what would you like to see for the next DMC game? My thoughts are:

DMC1 Remake. Combat systems are brought up to a similar level to DMC5. Alastor has a similar base moveset to DSD (sans summoned swords,) DTs are determined by Devil Arm again. Sparda has a DT. Style Switching.

DMC6. Nero is the main protagonist. Gains new Devil Arms and maybe a toned down style switching. Keeps Breaker system. Story is either new big bad, sticking with DMC5 ending and making him the new earth protector and/or he spends a chunk of the game trying to free Dante and Vergil.

DMC0, prequel telling Sparda's story and maybe how Devil Sword Sparda came to be.

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sparda game pls

It's a walking simulator where you walk to the convenience store to buy some smokes and never return because your kids are little shits.

DMC6 with Dante and Vergil getting out of Hell.
Or a DMC0 with Sparda as protagonist.

So the events of DMC4.5?

See, I was thinking Sparda as well. But I don't want him to act like Dante. Style switching seems very Dante-ish but I don't know if I see Sparda doing something like that.

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More missions like m15 with multiple paths and optional section using specific breakers, more desctruction gimmick like goliath fight or floor in hotel. Make enemy ai a bit aggressive, let enemies use their skills more often like nobody dt drain/summon copy or chaos/flying empusa spit or make enemy hit harder to compensate their passive behavior, more ani air skills or mix ground enemies with flying more often.
Unironically I would be fine with solo Nero game, definetly expand breakers or give him another weapon but as compkex as RQ.

>DMC1 Remake.
No and fuck you. A remake made by this Capcom would be nothing but another DMC5 and that one already exists, 3 times over. All the things that made that game would be thrown away and it'd be a clone. Leave that fucking game alone.Just look at the list of things you want on it, change the weapons to have the same combos? Style switching? You also want them to replace the old voice actors with the new ones, I take it? Fuck that.

You realize he wouldn't look like that. Now he looks like Beethoven.

>kamiyahipster arrived
>nooo you cant improve resident evil leftover les is more nooo
Take an air hike

>DMC1 Remake
honestly capcom has burned me out on remakes, i like the story actually moving forward and seeing new places and people. i hope its only sequels from now on, even the sparda prequel idea isnt as exciting since it has to end in such a way for 1 or 3 to make sense.

A bounty hunter type of game where you just take missions and go to diferent places to hunt a demon
just daily life for dante to pay his bills
DMCV pretty much had a boss fight at the end of each stage, it would not be diferent from that

not necessary, dmc 1 is designed around the way it plays
a new game is the idea way to go
not sure why you only want new games without playable dante though

DMC1 does not need a remake, especially not one that makes it play like all the other mainline dmc’s aside from 2.
Whatever the next dmc will be, I hope they get rid of forced character switching in the campaign.

No thank you. DMC1 is incredibly arcade inspired compared to the later games. Bringing the other games systems into DMC1 would be completely missing the point. What I would actually like to see in the next DMC game is a revamp of the Style Meter because I feel it's holding the series back in the sense that any and all difficulty scaling in the series comes from just beefing up HP due to needing to be able to appease the Style Meter. It needs a rework.

>Gains new Devil Arms and maybe a toned down style switching.
HOW do Nero players keep missing the point?
This is like giving Vergil Dante's styles.

DMC game but with smt characters

>le bloated hp pool schizo
>dmc 1 arcade you can finish it in 2, 5 muh arcade
Jesus Christ

I want DMC5's combat with RE2make's exploration.

Obviously the areas would have to be bigger than RE2make's so the combat would work, but I want that kind of interconnected seamless map design. Kind of like DMC1/DMC3 but with no mission interruptions, and a larger more non-linear map. There could even be some choice in boss order. Like you fight the tutorial boss, then you have a choice between three bosses, then after those there's a plot boss, then another four bosses, etc.

You play as Dante but after beating his storyline you can unlock other characters (Vergil, Nero, etc) which have remixed maps and unique bosses and upgrades.

If they were to make a new one, I'd like it if they made enemies actually aggressive. So that it wasn't just a game where you juggle punching-bags with cool visual effects.

Proper fucking co op would be awesome.

I still don’t understand why they half assed it in 5.

That's what he looks like after settling down as a human with his wife and sons. No reason to think he'd have looked like that in his youth, before Mundus.

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Play with instant enemy dt cheat

>So, what would you like to see for the next DMC game?
something that's not vergil pandering retread bullshit
also give nero better character motivations than "dEaDwEiGhT"

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I want a final boss in space

Great rebuttal friend

Would he even bother with a human look back then? Always kind of seemed more logical to me that he started using his human appearance after the rebellion to better blend in.

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DMC1's combat is archaic my dude. Its combat isn't what makes that game unique in the series, other than being the least developed. Add more complexity to the combat, keep the more gothic setting, RE style puzzles, more horror focused aesthetic and melodramatic story. THAT'S what made DMC1 special.

DMC1's combat was a prototype. You have extremely limited options with Alastor and Ifrit. Why wouldn't you want to expand on that?

So basically a post-DMC3, pre-DMC1 Dante? Or an entirely separate character in that universe?

I'm not your frined you fucking pretencious schizo
Arcadey my ass, with 2 min mission when you literally return to area that you were 5 mins ago? Schizo fantasies about bloated hp pool to sTyLeRaNking gtfo

No objection to Dante being unlockable or something, I just don't want him to be the focus for at least a game or two.

Taunting makes enemies DT in DMD.

>I still don’t understand why they half assed it in 5.
t. everyone who makes video games after 2007

could be either or both, dante did open a "mobile" devil may cry with nero and the crackhead.

it just think the idea of RUNNING the devil may cry store to hunt demons would be realy fun

Take your meds man, you seem to be upset no one likes your awful ideas.

I definitely agree with this. Either make multiple separate campaigns or make character selection per-level. DMC5 is the best example of the idea I've seen (looking at you, Ninja Gaiden Sigmas. Fuck you.) but it's still jarring and unpleasant, especially when replaying.

dante wasn't the focus for 4 or 5, user


the painting makes dante hair looks weird too
so if anything sparda just had realy long hair like sethiroth or something like that

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What I mean is like, a second play method or something. Instead of four styles, you gain a new devil arm, maybe an additional gun type and a new stance that changes some aspects of attack. I don't want four styles, just something to make him feel a bit more rounded out.

It's not really clear. I guess that's something they could explore in the game.