All memes aside...

All memes aside, the reason Japanese games are out-performing American games is because the Japanese understand that games are at their core, games, and even if you want them to be art they have to be fun to play.

TLOU2, God of War, Uncharted, etc. These are all games that focus on being "cinematic". Their graphics aren't stylized or creative, their narratives don't utilize interactivity at all and are basically just movies, and instead of telling the story through gameplay, stories are told through long cutscenes that are specifically made to imitate Hollywood movies. It's clear that American studios and directors want to make MOVIES with occasional moments of unengaging gameplay, not GAMES that properly explore the medium and what it's capable of artistically.

While there are plenty of story driven Japanese games, you'll be hard pressed to find ones that don't also try to be creative and fun as far as gameplay is concerned. Metal Gear (excluding 4), the Yakuza series, Dangan Ronpa, Gravity Rush, Final Fantasy, Persona, none of these games are perfect. But despite being story based and cinematic in some ways, they still try to have unique gameplay. Meanwhile, "cinematic" games in America just reuse the same basic cover-based third person shooter mechanics we've been enduring for nearly 2 decades.

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>reason Japanese games are out-performing American games is because the Japanese understand that games are at their core, games
do you know what a visual novel is user?
>you'll be hard pressed to find ones that don't also try to be creative and fun as far as gameplay is concerned
kek there are a shit ton of generic turn-based JRPGs

>Japanese games are out-performing American games
How delusional are you? American games are literally 99% of the best selling games ever

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>a visual novel is comparable to a fucking third person shooter
>le epic kek!! XD
Just shut the fuck up retard lmao

>MCU is better because look at those box office numbers

The OP's main point is Japanese games outperforming, meaning selling, better than Murican games

Visual novels dont pretend to be more than books with sound and pictures. If last of us 2 and its ilk was considered a non-game, or even a visual novel then it would be fine but It shouldnt lie and pretend it's a game

>sales equal performance
This is about quality not what the masses think, pig fucker

>This is about quality
No it's not
Learn to read, moron

>he didn't even read OPs post
How much do you get paid to be this brain dead? It's a crime for it to go unrewarded

I wish Clownpiece would interfere with the plot of TLOU2, if only because Clownpiece tearing Abby up would be absolutely cathartic.

No, I meant out-performing in quality.

As another person pointed out, MCU is killing it in the box office. Does that mean they're comparable to Stanley Kubrick or Martin Scorsese films?

>Japanese games are fun to play

shill harder you fucking weeb, japan doesn't even like console/PC games anymore check their fucking charts and realize that only mobile games make money over their

Do you appreciate it now?

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He obviously wasn't talking about sales, cretin.

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Yet the most famous japanese game creator puts 20 minute long cutscenes in his games and is still hailed as a genius. You're a shitty gaslighting astroturfer.

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What difficulty did you play it on?

"Out-performing" refers to sale numbers, autists. Jesus christ, learn the fucking language before wasting everyone's time and vandwidth

>inb4 difficulty options set to: Gaming Journalist

>gets called out on shitty argument
>pretends like he was talking about semantics (which is also a shitty argument)

r/Games is the website you're looking for

>Visual novels dont pretend to be more than books with sound and pictures
Persona? Danganronpa? Zero Escape? Ai: Somnium? These are all primarily visual novels with gameplay attached.
Same as The Last of Us is primarily a movie with gameplay attached.
I'm not advocating one over the other, I agree Japan experiments way more with gaming as a medium, but they absolutely have games that are barely games lol

Everyone with an average to above average IQ already knows this. Still though thanks for posting this so the retards can maybe finally understand.

This is accurate.

It won't change the fact that people will keep buying these mediocre movie-games.

Proper game design requires you to actually like videogames and care about the medium. Lots of western studios are full of people that don't actually play games at all, but have huge budgets.

imagine you guys deluding yourself that nippon only makes outstanding games
you realize that at best we get the cream of the crop localized so you have a survivor bias already

Good game stories should not have to rely on cutscenes to get their story across.
If you think cutscenes and excessive dialogue are the only tools to tell a story in a game, you have no business creating games and don't understand anything about game design.

Snoy doesn't make games and never have

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asymmetrical controllers are a stupid meme

This may have been true back then but the Dualshock 4 is the most comfortable main console controller out right now