Bloodborne is dropping on PC next friday

Bloodborne is dropping on PC next friday.
Screencap this.

Attached: bloodborne.png (780x439, 253.3K)

>Screencap this.

Attached: file.png (33x20, 301)

It's true
My uncle told me so

Go hang yourself from the balls.

No, it's next next friday. My uncle works at FromSoftware


Who cares?

Bought a PS4, played it, cleared dungeons. I'm not buying it again because they realized how stupid it was to make it a playstation exclusive just to pvp because the pve has 0 replayability.

i'm gonna drop you on your head next friday you little bitch

Attached: 1544044157447.jpg (1280x933, 332.13K)

Why? I've just told you the release date of the most anticipated PC port of all time.

0 and it is

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Source; Dude, trust me.

Never gonna happen OP stfu
Big kek

Fucking lol


Can confirm.
My dad works at Miyazaki.


Actually my uncle is John Bloodborne CEO of bloodborne and he says its coming out on monday

i need proof

Hello, Michael Playstation here (you can call me Mike). Shit ain't happening. Suggest you wait for the Expanded Edition to release next year, Exclusive to Playstation 5 consoles.

OP's bullshittery aside, what the fuck was with like 90% of the "leakers" last week acting with CERTAINTY that Bloodborne PC was gonna be shown at the Sony thing?

It's probably confirmed but something comes up and delays the announcement.

Silent Hill 5 and Bloodborne remastered were likely delayed until August announcement. Makes sense considering Horizon Zero Dawn still hasn't released on PC and will absolutely release before August.

why is every souls game the fucking same?

I mean, I hope. I had been programming to buy a ps4 once every zoomer sells his for a ps5 to play bloodborne and GoW.

But fuck that. If I can play the game without the god awful framerate, I am doing that.

The Dead Space writer said his newest game would appear at the show, which it never did, so there was likely a different version of the presentation at some point

Wot, man, that's kinda extreme for a single game.

Anyway, if Demon Souls remake is coming, bet your ass Bloodbornes PC is coming too.

Hope so. Still, it makes absolutely NO SENSE for Sony to announce a PC port of Bloodborne during their PS5 focused show.

Could it be Sony interference?

The PC show was always shit but it's especially shit this year, glad Steam does the demo thing.

The EAPlay thing was more of a PC Gaming show than the PC Gaming show.

Like most worthwhile PS5 games announced (namely Pragmata) are multiplat.

Sony loses even in their show.

>announce their cross platform strategy at event that focuses on backwards compatibility
>show off Horizon Zero Dawn's PC features running on PS5 with zero load screens unlike PC version
>Bloodborne remaster coming to PS5 (also coming to PC)
There you go. Makes sense to me.

capped my son, I hope to be reposting this next friday.