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It saddens me greatly that X will always be forgotten simply due to coming out on the Wii U

It won't be forgotten, it will be niche.
As long as Xenoblade remains popular, people will find it

Is he the most based man in this game?

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I want a Switch port that uses the same servers as the Wii U version so people can play online together.

How the hell did he live the Colony 9 attack after Metal Face threw a fucking tank that exploded on impact

Alvis is best boy

X2 just confirmed it with his shitty siblings

10000 situps, 10000 pushups, every single day!

No doubt.

It's been so long since I last played that I almost forgot he did survived that attack after seeing it. He certainly made it seem like he died because they didn't show his ass for a long time


He was wearing a helmet. Works for cyclops’ in Dragons Dogma.

just played all three games back to back (my 2nd playthrough of each)
each game is so unique, they all have their own strengths and flaws
the first game isn't quite as good as i remember it - the 2nd half of the game is really weak in spots
XCX was exactly as I remember it. incredibly promising set up and first 10 hours and then it just devolves into trash - such a fucking shame as it is utterly gorgeous
X2 has the best pacing and overall story (even considering the tora / poppi chapter) and probably the best gameplay. but the gacha, field skills, merc mission bullshit and terrible image quality really bring it down. if not for those features, it would easily be the best.

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>the 2nd half of the game is really weak in spots
>Fiora back in the party
>conflict escalation
>tighter level design and better music in the Mechonis
>the quests stop being fetch quests and start being good quests that have story lines and reward you with the best skill trees
I'm convinced that anyone who says 1 goes downhill in the latter half is a retard.

>X2 has the best pacing and overall story (even considering the tora / poppi chapter)
This is the opposite. 2 has the worst pacing and story (assuming X's complete lack of a story is a net 0) but Tora and Hana are far and away the best characters in the game.

it wont be forgotten by the devs and nips they fucking love elma

why is she so cute bros

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why did otharon have to live

It's the 80% homs gene integration

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just finished this game lads, about to go into Future Connected, does it have any connection to the rest of the Xenoblade Universe or no?

The quests being good isn't the problem, the problem is the flow of the plot is interesting enough that you just want to see the next main plotline without bothering with anything else.

It's the opposite skyrim effect.

alright, i'll elaborate.
the chapters from eryth sea -> alcamoth > sword valley are terrible
once you meet zanza at prison island the story goes full anime ridiculousness
fallen arm, and then central factory and aginathra are actually some of the best parts of the game - not going to deny that.
i guess it's the mid-game that drags, and then the second half of the story that's weak, until a truly glorious twist ending.
so perhaps "second half weak" was inaccurate, but the rest of the game doesn't quite live up to the brilliance of the first 10-20 hours (even if I think Bionis' Leg is secretly one of the worst areas)

what's that you said

Every time I jump, take fall damage, and I have to wait a milisecond to recover from the animation, I think of XCX and miss it

i agree that tora and poppi are the best characters, but the chapter about tora's father and all that was dire.
other than that I think XC2 has the best story as it has the clearest overall mission (the goal is to get to elysium the entire game), best antagonists by far and tons of brilliant reveals in the last two chapters. if you play in english it's intolerable, though, so I get why anyone who did that would prefer XC1, where the dub is great

>the problem is the flow of the plot is interesting enough that you just want to see the next main plotline
This I can understand.

>once you meet zanza at prison island the story goes full anime ridiculousness
You're just a retard.

Sounds like you just have shit taste. Dont play rpgs

>the story in 1 goes full anime ridiculous
>but 2 had the overall best story
I'm convinced that people who post about 2 are just trying to come up with new and creative ways to shitpost.

Just got max affinity with every settlement but Colony 6 fucking finally

X will always be forgotten because it lacks a focused narrative and characters for people to latch onto.