Video games aren't art. Sorry

Video games aren't art. Sorry.

A few artful games, when the order of the day is AAA blockbuster corporate committee made titles, does not make video games art.

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Non-artists opinion on art is 100% worthless, sry

art =/= good art

If art doesn't uplift your spirit, it's not art. There is no such thing as 'good' or 'bad' art.

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lowpoly no textures = art

>If art doesn't uplift your spirit, it's not art.

so you're opinion is also worthless?

yes it's

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Games will never become art unless game developers stop pandering to the audience.
Art is about what the artists wants to share, not what the consumer wants.

No one is saying all vidya is art. Just like how all movies are not art. Artistic games do exist