Any games with the ''creepy American suburbs'' feeling and setting? (cult shit, dakr secrets)

Any games with the ''creepy American suburbs'' feeling and setting? (cult shit, dakr secrets)

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>(cult shit, dakr secrets)
Is that what you think of the suburbs?

That's not The US

its china

>dark secrets
The fuck? No suburb would be like that, you’re thinking of a hick town ESL

Hitman 2's suburb level
probably the best level in the game

Real cults start in the suburbs don't they? suburbs make cults but I don't think every suburb is a cult. I mean like, the trope where the HOA is a totalitarian cult government used by it's cultlike denizens to punish anyone misbehaving.

THPS series

Silent Hill 2

>Real cults start in the suburbs don't they?
No. Real cults start in very rural areas.
>suburbs make cults
Nobody interacts with one another in suburbs.
>the trope where the HOA is a totalitarian cult government
That's not a trope. It's a micro-manifestation of local government.

What does the Electronic Sports League have to do with cults in a hick town?


I mean like, you getp unished for having your front law look different that everyone's else or not going to church to sacrifice children or something.
Aren't remote cult compounds, basicly a suburban spot in bumfuck nowhere, real?

that level was kind of spooky

You seem to have an ESL concept of what suburban means. Suburban is simply one step below urban.

The words "remote" and "bumfuck nowhere" are very specifically synonyms of rural areas, not suburban areas. I've been very clear with you. Cults do not occur or start in suburban areas. It's a rural phenomenon because it requires a distinct lack of unaffiliated people to flourish. If there are people around that disagree with the cult's ideology then the likelihood of a cult member being influenced by those normal people is high. If you are running a cult you NEED isolation in order to ensure your cult members do not get talked out of being a cultist. The first thing cultists do to new cult members is isolate them from their friends and family so that the cult is the only social structure that person has remaining; thus ensuring their allegiance.

This is remarkably harder to do in a suburban environment that has a reasonable amount of people.

Yeah but they’re not suburbs, a suburb is a town or smaller city that is nearby a large city. Like Gary Indiana is a suburb of Chicago

Suburban is by definition the opposite of rural.

Suburbs aren't creepy. Just unaesthetic.

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seems logical, but where did that trope come from of the suburb where everything is the same and the nail that sticks out must be hammered in to such a degree all individuality is dead?

Most suburbs are filled with rich conservatives who fled the cities and use HOAs to keep out anyone they don’t like like blacks and poor whites, they demand conformity.

Horror movies follow trends and there was a period of time where there was a running theme that displays spooky things happening in suburban areas because that's where a large potion of the audiences for these movies lived. It's meant to unnerve people who live in similar kinds of areas to tap into their anxieties. Something horrific happening in the middle of nowhere doesn't hit you as hard as something horrific happening somewhere you can imagine yourself being. It's the same reason there are so many movies of people moving into haunted houses. It taps into a primal level of anxiety that occurs when people move to a new place and need to sleep and feel safe in an environment they're unfamiliar with.

That's not really a trope user, I don't know where you're getting these perceptions. I've lived in 4 different suburbs throughout my life, each had a huge deal of variety and no one really gave a fuck what other people did. Now there are some trash-tier gated communities out there where there are like 20 houses all built identically where that shit might fly, but those aren't synonymous with suburbs and I see them in city centers more than anywhere else.

are HOA's an American invention? me being Dutch I never heard of that garbage here. Our neighbor, Belgium, has freedom of construction. as long it's safe you can build whatever on your land. caused some really chaotic and funky stuff.

That's not at all true, you fucking idiot. Urban is the opposite of rural. On the sliding scale of population density/development, suburbia is a midpoint.

I think you just wanna watch Desperate Housewives

Wrong brainlet, suburban is literally one step below urban. Rural is about ten steps away from that, when you start seeing ""towns"" with sub-1k population.

Yeah, where I see this it's always a gated community. Fairly oddparents has an episode with a brainwashed conformist gated community, saints row 4 starts you in one and fallout 4 had one (albeit tiny due bethesda ''level design'')

I don't know where it originated but I understand the concept of why they exist. People who invest in a property want to make sure that property maintains its value. Enough people in the community agree because they want to eventually sell their houses. They decide to enforce a set of community agreed on guidelines to ensure people who move into the community don't turn their houses into brothels or crack dens that take $50,000 or more off of the value of their own houses. The problem is the HOAs don't just need authority, they need to collect fees, and they feel the compulsion to meddle when there is no need in order to feel like taking the fees is justified because people at HOA meetings are getting pissed off that HOA leaders are getting paid and Jim hasn't mowed his lawn in 10 days. This is unacceptable Susan, what are we paying you for you fucking bitch?

In other words there's nothing scary or sinister taking place. It's literally just catty drama from bored home owners that get a small taste of power when someone complies to a demand to paint their fucking mailbox post.

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Looks like in Tropico when you have to build your worthless people a bunch of mansions to appease them as a side objective.

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well, is the alternative in Belgium where you can construct and do whatever better or worse then? Yes, squalid hovels exist there due that but no house is the same either.


yeah living in the suburbs felt like the worst parts of living in a city combined with the worst parts of living in a rural area

My favorite X-Files episode is this.

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is there naything between suburban and urban? high rise appartment and low rise row house is not the same.

the trope where the HOA is a totalitarian cult government used by it's cultlike denizens to punish anyone misbehaving.

This actually happens, I have to live in a neighborhood with one and they will harass you over the stupidest bullshit while breaking and violating their own rules.

my nigga

>HOA is a totalitarian cult government
can confirm, all my HOA does is decide that the neighborhood needs things it doesn't and then charges everyone in the bill

>I get charged for dredging the canal even when my house isn't on the water

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SH2 didn't have cults. The western made Silent hill games did though.

this is why consuming too much media can become a bad thing.

I heard they legit whine if you want to remove or add a bush in your front law or change your paint from brick red to beige or some shit?

Its literally been a thing in story media since before you were born you dumb zoomers. X-files, steven king, twighlight zone etc all have cult story shit from suburbs. Educate yourselves you fucking retards

In America there are channels you can go through with the city or county to ensure somebody is not ruining your property values without needing a HOA. But they tend to take longer and people would much rather prefer to have power and control over others. You can't overstep your authority if you're going about things through the local government, but you can if your neighbor signed away certain rights to be permitted into the neighborhood by the HOA. If you disobey the HOA they can legally but a lean on your house and that's a feature. It's shitty if you're the person being forced to comply, but it's good if your only interest is how much money you can make once you leave. So like a lot of things it depends on what sort of person you are. Generally HOAs are cancerous, horrible horse shit, but when it comes to surgically removing a piece of shit that leaves 3 broken down rusted cars on their fucking lawn making your neighborhood look like a slum then HOAs are great.

Retard. Cult != occult. What you're describing is occult. Cults have a different setting entirely. There's only a handful of examples where they overlap and a lot of liberties need to be taken to make the story make any sense. Oh, the entire town of 15,000 people are in on it? Let me just suspend my disbelief.

so how are HOA for people who want to landlord as they got a ocean of liquid assets to burn? can the HOA prevent you renting it out or even give you shit for what your tenants do?

the entire cult trope always required a suspension of belief. it's a way to paint distrust of outsiders as an oddity, when that is typically the norm in these type of communities.

Typically tenting tenants agree to the same terms as the owner plus some extra for liabilities. HOAs could prevent you from renting out but generally they don't do this because even the HOA leaders understand the value of being able to do this.