This game is amazing. The only people mad TLOU2 are pathetic white men who are so desperate to self-insert as a one-dimensional Pseudo-Father figure character they can't appreciate anything different. The same dudes who toke the fuck up on the daily are bitching about the weed sex scene. Dina is Jewish? So fucking what? Better than seeing rednecks run around all the fucking time.
Playing as Ellie is refreshing. Quite frankly, lesbians are just more interesting than playing as a straight white guy for the 800th game in a row.
I'm glad they showed an Asian man as someone who was in charge and had some sexuality.
You all need to really unpack your closeted insecurities with this Game, it's fine and I plan on replaying it in the near future.
I agree. I also see a lot of criticism on Joel's death, and that's just completely unfounded.
Like it or not, his death was good-- no, more than that. It was great. Truly great.
I've been watching a lot of streams and people's reactions speak volumes. The getting angry, yelling, cursing, hating the game and Abby - that's emotion. And that's exactly what art is supposed to elicit: strong and pure emotion that you don't get in your everyday life.
The fact is, the world is unpredictable. You could be totally healthy today, slip and die, which makes his demise realistic. His death hits hard because it nails the sense of abandonment that's always around as we go on living; it doesn't HAVE to make sense, it doesn't HAVE to be like Hollywood movies. You getting angry makes Neil right, makes him good. It makes this raw, visceral art.
Jack Williams
I don't give a shit. Is the gameplay any good?
Blake Gutierrez
lol no
Benjamin Gomez
Ryan Thomas
How much is Neil paying you?
Dominic Allen
>His retarded sales charts in the UK are quickly being proven wrong so now he's just gone for astroturfing. Cope. and
Jace Nguyen
>Who are so desperate to self insert
Oh SAY IT AINT SO OP, SAY IT AINT SO. Like this isnt EXACTLY what the author did in the game to push his 'personal politics'.
If you think the hate is about jews, trannies, or any group representation whatsoever then YOU CLEARLY DONT KNOW WHY PEOPLE ARE UPSET PERIOD.
Kayden Miller
Best part of the game is when the protagonist gets pissed off at the game store clerk for misgendering her. "It's ma'am!!!!"
Adrian Morales
I don't see any pretty girl complaining about the game, much less that boomer's death many of them are probably even happy. it's excellent if you think about it