the lust of us
The lust of us
Place bets how long until janni will tranni this thred
hellfire it is for you pedo gamer
Calling him the g-word was uncalled for.
i give it until 4:20
>B-b-b-but she's a 129629868616192098 millennia-old dragon!
>B-b-b-but she's 2d and I can separate fiction from reality
So what's the excuse this time? Literally all you faggots would have to do is admit you're pedophiles and everyone would be cool with you since you'd actually tell the truth. Stop beating around the bush.
All you pedophiles should be taken out and shot in the fucking street like the trash that you are.
not a pedo, just a gamer
I've never pretend to not be a pedophile, it's all the ironic lolicons in denial.