What's the point in creating new villains if you're gonna forget about them except for one?

What's the point in creating new villains if you're gonna forget about them except for one?

Also, Sonic thread.

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Lost world was shit, but I want Zeena to sit on me.

I don't understand how anyone could want to fuck that thing. It just looks like a black woman with green skin and an unseemly g-mod horn.

She's downright disgusting compared to all the other sonic girls.

I wish there was more porn of her

Now don't be a pleb, user

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I wish boogie would remember her

me to

Zazz, Zeena and the Master Zik are the only passable deadly six.

Zarvok who has to most screen time is just boring.
Although Master Zik is just out of place.

If Zazz was the leader with the fat one and Zarvok gone would maybe work.

This game was such a disappointment.

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The idea was fine but run button and modern Sonic physics ruined it

come on now, that guy was unbearable

He fits the Saturday morning theme they where going for. If they make him less annoying and more like a rock punk gang dude it could work.

overall I really dont like the Deadly Six its just a bloated group of tv tropes

I had fun, but not worth the money

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Sonic already has a bad habit of creating too many bloat-characters and not knowing what to do with them (maybe outside of comics), forcing in all 6 of one of their worst villain ideas yet wouldn't be much of an improvement.

Aside from maybe Zeena, but that's solely out of fap-bait,

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this character's only worth are posts tagged with "fellatio" on rule34.xxx

I sure won't forget how Cream fucks her shit up.

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it just wasnt a sonic game

It would of been nice if they had tried to keep the framework and give it another shot with more work in it, but nope, gotta throw everything in the Trash and start from scratch again, that always works for Sonic.

>Cringy Saturday morning cartoon writing
>Forgetable and bad gameplay
>2 good songs
I just want to know what was going on. They raised the bar too high with Generations they didn't know what to do afterwards.

That's easily the worst aspect of Lost World. A parkour system in Sonic has a lot of potential for platforming possibilities and finding alternate paths and so on. Instead we got a mechanic that doesn't hold up its end of the bargain, messy physics, and arguably the slowest Sonic's ever felt since 3D Blast.

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this was the game that was written entirely by the Happy Tree Friends guys.

That would explain why Sonic and Tails were so unlikeable.

lips not big enough

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>actually implements a parkour mechanic which is the perfect mechanic to blend speed and platforming and is something they should've Incorporated years ago
>it's shit

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>Green lady thing - "You came here to have sex with me Mr sonic? *
>Sonic - " Nah I just came here to run fast as fuck"
>Green lady thing - "What? look how I look"
>Sonic - "Literally female yandere hedgehog chases me all time, despite that she looks better I always preferred to run fast over sex"
> Green lady thing - "Wtf?" *stands up* "You really are autistic, fuck this shit I'm out" *Jumps away*

Sonic's mouth being on one side of his face especially while talking activates my autism

And unsurprisingly a prime contestant for worst story in any Sonic game, as if that bar wasn't low already

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Is Lost World really that bad? How's the level design? Worth picking up for around $5?