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So now that TLOU II is a tremendous success, what are you expecting from the next part?
Jackson Murphy
Tyler Ramirez
Jack Bailey
black trans
Joshua Jenkins
He wants TLOU3 story to be about a Wokester revolution.
Connor Johnson
Cool, I actually like the second one but hate abby. Give me new chars.
Gameplay is also amazing, keep building that up and im golden.
William Barnes
Oliver Reed
hows it like having your game being hated in every corner of the world neil cuckman?
Colton Anderson
Dr. Uckman finally comes out with his sperm-based cure to the virus, and must inseminate every women and man to save humanity
Oliver Sanchez
Citation needed
Dominic Stewart
wiping tears with dollar bills.gif
Julian Lopez
just add time travel
undo part 2
there fixed part 3
Aaron Cooper
this is cope
Dylan Cook
Abby and Ellie fight again, completely negating the 2nd game's morals and proving that Ellie should have killed Abby instead- or something of that caliber that will completely overturn the entire purpose of the game before it
Kevin Long
Luis Barnes
Jesus Christ how assmad was the person who edited this
Logan Martinez
Grayson Peterson
Gameplay against humans is great even though it gets a bit repetitive at points.
I find almost all the characters boring and the story is really ass.
Carson Watson
Shit's going to sell some units, no doubt the brand alone will make sure that happens but it won't sell anywhere near as much as the first game. That much I can guarantee.
Aaron Ross
the next game should start with ellie committing suicide. you have to do a bunch of QTEs to set up the noose and the chair and then you push the thumbstick up to kick the chair out from under her and she quickly dies. i'll take the senior game design position at naughty dog now, thanks
Isaac Morgan
Somehow, abby has returned
Christopher Richardson
>Make unsourced claims of half truths and no sources or data
>People don't buy your shit
>ThIs Is CoPe
Camden Mitchell
Why is everyone treating this guy like a auteur or a celebrity? I might be ignorate but isn't TLoU2 thr first game he's lead the development of? And hasn't the game only been out for like 3 days? Why is everyone treating him like Kojima, Gabe, and Miyazaki?
Lucas Torres
>is a tremendous success
So where are those numbers guys? I keep hearing success, best launch since, but no numbers.
Jackson Garcia
>she quickly dies
>not slowly and agonizingly for maximum torture porn
sorry, you didn't get the part. druckmann can't get off to swift death
Jaxon Cruz
>The guy who spams his twitter here said so, of course it's true
Ryder King
Let's try to come up with a plot for the next game.
>Ellie trying find Dina and ends up going on another killing spree.
Jace Diaz
He was the lead director for Uncharted 4 as well
Lucas Garcia
ellie discovers shes trans, her head is crushed under the wheel of a black latinx transwoman who was the father of some rando ellie killed, you play as the wheel chairbound transwoman for the rest of the game.
Jason Roberts
that game sucked wtf
Lucas Myers
>So now that TLOU II is a tremendous success
Dominic King
It's a success, deal with it and have sex.
Luke Walker
>bigger than animal crossing
Jace Sanders
I mean, I guess that's something but I honestly can't remember if Uncharted 4 was as widely anticipated and critically well received as TLoU2. Did people care about Uncharted 4?
Isaac Hernandez
Better yet
Charles Scott
>hormone therapy is a pathway to abilities some women consider... unnatural
Noah Gutierrez
rent free
Levi Gomez
Joel is resurrected as a zombie, but not before going through a gender reassignment surgery. He becomes the new zombie trans girl strip dancer in the local club.
Ellie gets pissed and goes on a quest to put Joel to rest. After murdering everyone in the town she finally arrives to the strip club. She takes aim at Joel's head to put xer out of the misery, but then suddenly she falls in love with xer. They have lesbian sex on the stage, screen fades to black. THE END.
Thomas Watson
its on topic, learn english better tard
Luke Lewis
Here is a picture of a train.
Ryder Peterson
non binary mtf blasian protagonist
Jeremiah Harris
He co directed the first game and was some director of Uncharted 4. Uncharted 4 was a piece of shit but everybody praised it. He's also exceptional at self-promotion. Before him the creative leads at ND weren't going around taking greyscale photos of themselves looking grim and mysterious. Neil's painted himself as a Serious Artist and people have gobbled it up.
Jeremiah Nguyen
make the next game about zombies
Landon Flores
Tommy will be the main villain
Ryder Peterson
Noah Foster
Since Part 2 was like The Last Jedi of games, I supposed part 3 will be like The Rise of Skywalker.
Mason Scott
I'm gonna say after all the backlash and controvery about 2 he'll hopefully leave any cringe shit out of 3 and simplify the story.
Infected? Fine
Humans doing desperate things to survive or still have you fight against 'factions'? Fine, maybe tone the gore down like the first game, seemed a little over the top in the 2nd one
Growing bonds between characters? Fine, it was perfect in the first game, hardened joel ending up seeing Ellie as a daughter was perfect, it had its ups and downs through the story
So much focus on same-sex relationships or shoe-horned in sex scenes? Please don't. Since this is the stuff that draws all the 'FORCED DIVERSITY SJW PROPOGANDA' shit that gets tiresome to see eveywhere.
They dont make them like that anymore, they had a nice aesthetic to them. Always thought some of the electric ones were cool, I still like steam trains a bit more thouhg.
Lucas Smith
We're making fun of him because he acts like an auteur while being a total hack. Similar to Kojima, but even worse. Most of these guys just get shitposted on Zig Forums because it's funny to laugh at how far they have their heads up their own asses and how shitty their "art" is. Miyazaki is an exception because he actually makes good games and doesn't act like an arrogant douche on Twitter. He lets his art speak for itself.
Justin Price
Ellie becomes bi, starts fucking Abby, they get another random asian to donate sperm, she gives birth to a black asian.
Random NPC named Sam from the previous game wants revenge because Ellie killed his dog. Steals Ellie/Abby son, later its revealed Sam is a furry, he trains Ellie/Abby son now named Bobby to kill them as revenge. He kills the both, the end.