What happen to beatem up? Name a better beatem game than pic related

What happen to beatem up? Name a better beatem game than pic related

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beat em and eat em

>What happen to beatem up?

The arcade era ended.

3d happened and beat em ups got replaced by games that are actually good like devil may cry and bayonetta

>not maining mars

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Why is it always "HURR! NAME SOMETHING BETTER!" with you retards? Why can't you just appreciate it all.

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>By Banpresto
I've had nothing but bad experiences with their beat'em up games.

for me its jupiter

the simpsons one is legendary

arcade games were so good.

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This game is legendary but so is streets of fury ex and fight n rage. Streets of Rage 4 actually turned out good too.
This game is fucking retarded and the power up system is completely pointless to save. The enemies are super hot in that game though.

>not maining the dwarf

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>tfw no 4 way co op with bros

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Fight'n Rage

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Eh, it's pretty bad like all konami beat em ups

>formerly Chuck

Wtf happen to the latest double dragon? Why did they go with the goofy 80s theme.

Why the hell wasn't this part of the Capcom Beat em Up bundle?

Suck a dick. They were innovators.


Capcom should ressurect Final Fight but as triple-A GTA clone but it more emphasis on combat, make for next generation with destructible city and huge mobs rioting, call the game Final Fight: Metro City Riot. The devs of Monster City World can do this!

>They were innovators
The fuck? Their beat em ups were all simplistic garbage and were always turned into broken messes in the western releases to suck quarters. How the fuck are they "innovative"?


Not sure why Final fight is the top of the beatem that capcom made. They made way better beatem up that deserves more credit.


welcome to the dungeon and dragon

Didn't Streets of Rage 4 do really well?

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yes it did but sadly it wasn't good as the old ones.

You talkin' shit on Violent Storm?

Nigga fuck you

>Konami beatemups bad

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The Punisher is GOAT.

For me? its Boris

technically Monster Maulers is a 2v1 fighter/beatemup hybrid but it's still cool

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Minus dark knight and maybe the double knights the game was easy 1cc for wizard

They fully own Final Fight while D&D, AvP, don’t.

>Monster City World
Monster Hunter World I mean, seriosuly Capcom said they want the money of the big western games but only a GTA or CoD clone could do it.