Can anyone redpill me on Atelier Ryza? I can't decide if it's worth picking up or not...

Can anyone redpill me on Atelier Ryza? I can't decide if it's worth picking up or not. Seems really comfy but I don't know if I want to get it just because Ryza's cute and I'm in denial. Also I don't know if I want to own it cause of Ryza's design and how "japanese-y" it is. The designs, japanese dub, and the cutesy feel and tone makes people think it's weird.

Also if I should get it, PC or Switch? The PC version looks so much better but it seems like it would be a fun game to play to pass time and relax. DLC seems meh, too.

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>The designs, japanese dub, and the cutesy feel and tone makes people think it's weird
Make sure to get permission from those people first.

Why care about people thinking it's weird? Just play the game if you want to.
The Switch version runs like ass so you definitely want the PC version. The DLC isn't really worth it.
As for the game itself, it's a mediocre entry into the series but it's probably a good entry point for beginners since it's so easy.

Game itself is boring bland asian crap that can only be enjoyed by a soulles bugmen. Only play if you are 18 yo coomer who is too dumb to find porn or too horny to calm down.

I get the point but I don't have the luxury to just tell people to get lost because I like something. I just don't feel like dealing with that and I like the people I'm around. Games like Fire Emblem and the Tales of series have some semblance of gameplay and have more mature themes that people can see. But this game really has that "I'm a weeb who's just playing this cause the protag has thighs."
Is there a better game to start with? Or is the whole series kind of mediocre? I've heard other games are harder due to the time constraint, but that doesn't sound like it's really all that difficult. Plus if the story is just meh. I like stories with weight and can look past an easy game if the story is good.

Unspeakably fucking based. Anti-weeb chad uprising still going strong.

Just look at porn and avoid this crap. There's a reason Zig Forums makes fun of it.

Sad part is I was thinking that might be why I wanted to buy it. I have some friends trying to set me up and I'd feel like a coomer having anyone see me play this, good or not.

Based. Zig Forums has rejected easternshit for years for a reason. OP just play a real game and avoid this shit only loved by bugmen.

It's an Atelier game so it's 50/50

OP just avoid this, easternshit is never worth your time.

Lmao even fans of this shitty coomer series hate this game in particular lol