Reminder to this day these incels are still seething about a censorship SJW boogeyman of muh anime tiddies while the...

Reminder to this day these incels are still seething about a censorship SJW boogeyman of muh anime tiddies while the world burns

Attached: 65432356753.jpg (480x360, 25.4K)

Fuck the world, give me anime.

That is precisely the issue.
SJWs have been fighting for anime girl rights while black people are getting lynched IRL.

8ch got shut down bc they couldnt stop shooting up public places i dont think gg exists anymore

Both sides are retardedbut SJWs are worse

Attached: 2d women now have rights.jpg (900x630, 174.08K)

That's nice and all OP, but did you know that Kevin Nash of WWE and WCW fame was raped by a pack of wild niggers in the summer of 1992?

Attached: STREETS OF RAPE.png (435x645, 513.2K)

I believe this is where the phrase "rent free" would come into play.

Nah it still exists nd still hosts nazi's and pedo shit

You better watch out, you said something negative about both sides so I'm going to have to post the image that prooves you are s j w.

Kill yourself, retard.