>Y-your coming to my birthday party today, right user? Hubert said everyone was coming.
Y-your coming to my birthday party today, right user? Hubert said everyone was coming
Alexander Cruz
Noah Anderson
Sorry, I have my own birthday to celebrate
Noah Nelson
Can I bring friends?
Michael King
Sorry, -Rhea- is having her own party and everyone is attending that instead...
John Martin
Which route is the best route?
Austin Moore
I want to consensually rape Bernie
Noah Green
Sebastian Young
all rape is consensual.
Joseph Peterson
Can even a crestless commoner like me go?
Owen Martin
I literally don't get it. Why do Japanese women design the best females? In contrast, western women designers draw up the ugliest possible female characters... as if they have a seething hatred for beauty and elegance. The same can be said about Bayonetta and that Chinese statue sculptor.
pic related was drawn by a Japanese woman.