other one hit bump limit, 5 hours to go
Crash hype thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>coco looks like absolute shit
>you have to collect all wumpa fruit in a level for a gem
I'm so fucking mad right now. Demonstrates these absolute fucking idiots at Toys For Bob don't even understand what kind of game they're making. Absolute low IQ subhumans. Why did Activision hand this project over to these industry nobodies, nobody knew who these fucking losers were before the Spyro remakes for good reason, now they're completely fucking up a beloved franchise that's been on hiatus for so long. FUCK YOU TOYS FOR BOB, legit low IQ subhumans.
>You have to collect all the Wumpas in a level
Guess they'll be less tubular than the previous games
>Leaker says gameplay will amaze us
>Zig Forumsalready tells us its trash
>you have to collect all wumpa fruit in a level
Why's this a bad thing though?
How is his mobile design better?
where will the live stream be