What is the story of the Fate series? So far I have gotten nothing but mixed answers

What is the story of the Fate series? So far I have gotten nothing but mixed answers.
Sometimes people tell me its about historical figures being revived to look for sacred objects.
Then other times people tell me its just magical girl shit.
Then other times people tell me its actually about summoning demons and owning them but the historical names are just a coincidence.
I wasn't even interested until I found out Melty Blood was part of the Fate series and now I seriously have no idea wtf its about.

Please be as spoilery as you want I just want to be in the know.

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I can't speak for all the gacha nonsense, but the idea of the first game in the simplest terms is as follows: A bunch of wizards summon seven historical figures to fight each other. These heroes conform to one of seven archetypes. The winner is supposed to get a prize or something from a magic cup, but said cup has been corrupted. Monsters are typically summoned by members of the caster class, and there is magical girl shit in the form of that magical girl spinoff you've probably heard of.

fate is worthless trash

I just want to know why everyone has the same face, what's with all the different spin-offs, and what the hell a BB is and why everyone's so fascinated over it. I can accept Fate's little more than a coomer series, but I would appreciate some context.

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Fate Stay Night: Seven wizards summon seven historical figures to fight over a cup full of flaming mud, Tine travel is involved partially.
Fate Zero: Prequel to the above with similar context.
Hollow Ataraxia: 50/50 serious/silly semi-canon sequel series to the main game.
Fate Extra: Instead of wizards, 130 computer hackers get together and summon historical figures to have a battle royale for ill defined reasons.
Fate Apocrypha: 14 servants get into a big old fight.
Fate Prototype: What if King Arthur was a boy?
Prism Illiya: What if the servants were equipable cards and a little magical girl had to work to stop a demon from.- actually it doesn't matter, people are only there for the lolis kissing.
Grand Order: What if you could summon more than one servant and had to time travel to fix a bunch of problems that cropped up because an old corpse is mad about its lot in life?
Did I miss anything?
Fate doesn't really have a singular ongoing plot

>the hell a BB
Either a game studio by the DQ Builders guy everyone hyped about because we will soon get news about their new game , or the main antagonist of Extra CCC and is extremely waifuable

The historical figures were never supposed to be the main characters, the spin offs that tried failed miserably. The part you should care about are the mages that evokes them to fight for an artifact that may or may not grant them their wishes, and see how they realize what they really want from life and if their ideals are really that righteous or just born from their abnormal experiences.
But you could also just play the shitty gacha or watch the lesbian magical lolis anime.

Historical Figures are summoned by mages to fight each other until one team wins and gets any wish of theirs granted by a Holy Grail, but its corrupted and doesn't grant wishes and instead its up to the MC and his group to save the world.

In general Fate is just a shonen series about an MC who summons historical figures to save the world, with little variances on what the world you're saving is called.

The same face is because Takeuchi have a crush for his own drawings.
Also the original and Hollow Ataraxia are much more than coomer games, even if the first route is shit.

History for waifufags and self insertfags.

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