Why would you want to pay someone else to watch them play video games? I just don't get it, Zig Forums.
Why would you want to pay someone else to watch them play video games? I just don't get it, Zig Forums
I don't understand paying for it, but it's great background noise (or at least, youtube vids are. Streams used to be but they're so frequently cut up by "YO THANKYOUSOVERYMUCH JIMBOB1977 FOR THE 5 DOLLARS AND TWITCH PRIME SUB WELCOMETOTHEBROTHERMANSUPERDUPERBEARDARMY" every 15-20 minutes.
I started listening to podcasts recently and they're just as good.
welcome to 7 years ago
not only are you retarded, you're senile
who gives a shit it's better than tv
it's a generation of friendless incels that believe that if you throw some coins at wannabe streamers they will be their friends
twitch streamers are surrogate friends
I have literally no one else but Zig Forums anons.
Eh, not really..streams are mostly for normies who don't have an opinion of their own. incels complain about SJWs on games they never played.
>twitch has been active for 7 years
Holy fuck.
paying for it is stupid but I like watching others play odd games, old stuff or games of a genre I don't normally play
I've never donated but desu I wouldn't mind doing it to some of the guys I've watched the longest. I feel it would only be right considering the hundreds of hours of entertainment I've gotten for free.
it was around as justin for much longer. And there were also sites like own3d and ustream and livestream.
Then there were all the early era websites that used FMLE and shilled here on Zig Forums.
the modern trends in streaming of overemphasis on donation and sub begging are pretty new phenomenon. 3~ years.
>it's better than tv
That doesn't exactly mean much
I'm too much of a boomer to ever understand the appeal of watching a random chucklefuck playin a game on Twitch instead of playing it yourself, much less will I ever comprehend paying for it, but I have already accepted that I'm just an old man and times have passed me.
I watched some Justin tv back in the day but for Pro's. I watch some YouTube gameplay, generally that's highlights and enjoyable stuff. I guess I can see why people sit there and watching people all day but it's not for me.
I got more money than I need so I think that I would pay money to a streamer if I found a good one, but I'm playing games on my own so I don't have time to watch someone else play.
Why not do one of the below instead, zoomer?
>Read a book
>Play a game by yourself
>Go outside
>Put on a podcast
>Draw something
>Make some music
>Pet a cat
>Hang with an actual friend
>Lift some weights
>Learn a new hobby
>Ride a bike
>Listen to music
I have never subbed or done a donation or bits or anything like that, however I do like to watch very talented speedrunners sometimes do things that I'd never be able to pull off
Why does Zig Forums shit on people who donate?
For real no bullshit. Is it the memes?
Why would you care what someone spends their cash on?
>vomit is better than shit, so eat up
Lol, fuck off zoomer.
>Why does Zig Forums shit on people who donate?
I do wonder, you tell me, huh....strange world we are living in I'm telling ya'
That’s ok, think of the positives. We don’t know your dark secrets so we can’t hold it against you. You’ll be accepted as long as you don’t post w*jaks!
i just sub(with the Amazon prime freebie) to a dude that i know IRL, fool just had twins...
But do any of those say my name to thousands of people?
I do most of those things and I also watch people playing games
I like watching speedruns every now and again and I have the Twitch Prime thing, so I'll toss that out once a month.
maybe he should get a real job then
these thousand people dont care about you, user. There's a possibility a chunck of them are here simply to laff at people who donate money.
>overemphasis on donation and sub begging
I'd say at least 5, maybe 6. I remember watching some runescape streamers back in 2014/2015 that had text to speech and sub notifications.
Paying streamers is absolutely retarded, if you really wanna help someone who is in need of money, buy a homeless person a meal and go on with your day, or just don't do anything, you don't have to give money to anyone, people asking viewers for money are shit and don't deserve anything, people who give money to streamers are retarded
Notifications have existed for a long time, but there was far less direct incentivization to subscribe for either entry into giveaways, overemphasis on marketing your emotes, people doing special shit like playing with subs, or sub only mode, or only reading chat messages by subs, etc.
>wasting your time watching some annoying fuckface suck at games to laugh at his subscribers
That's almost as sad as donating to streamers