Origins > Odyssey
You can't deny it, Odyssey is absolutely awful in it's story and characters, at best it's saving grace would be gameplay.
Origins > Odyssey
>awful in it's story and characters
same goes for origins
Turning Assassin's Creed into a RPG franchise was a mistake
Odyssey does everything better than Origins. I don't really give that much of a fuck about story or voice acting or whatever. Odyssey's combat, map, world, setting, and exploration are so much better than Origins.
You're a faggot if you care so much about stupid video game stories that you choose Origins over Odyssey.
it's Assassin's Creed, they're all awful
yes, including Black Flag and 2
why are there no functioning doors in these games?
small indie company please understand
Origins is great looking game that's shallow as hell. odyssey is just dog shit. the main character is dumb the story is dumb the fake choices are dumb its a giant turd.
>Odyssey's combat
just constant reflect, attack, repeat. nice combat bro and yeah nice level scaling lmao
Ah yes great map when everything is copypasted. Every bandit camp all have 3 presets
Sure, setting is cool.
Please elaborate. How is """"exploration"""" different than Origins
>Origins > Odyssey
This is like saying "dogshit > horseshit"
yeah cooldown-based combat with level-scaled with damage sponge enemies is what the ass creed franchise really needed, based odyssey.
>We will never get an AC game set in the Roman Empire
You're comparing 2 pieces of shit.
Tuning down the parkour gameplay to become RPGs is the worst thing to happen to this franchise.
Just play Origins and go to the last city you go to at level 50. Pure Roman Empire soul
seemed like the obvious way to go after egypt and greece but here we are.
I prefer Odyssey, there's simply more to do.
>Combat is better
No. Damage sponge enemies and mandatory level scaling make the game a chore. Having actual active skills doesn't make up for it.
The map is too big and uninteresting. Literally just endless question marks with the same copy pasted objectives.
No. Same reasons as above. Less interesting stuff in settlements than Origins.
DUDE ROCKS LMAO. In theory ancient Greece is interesting but they somehow made it boring as fuck.
The one thing I'll give it over Origins is that they don't tell you EXACTLY where to go in Odyssey as much. Also not really related to Origins but at least in Odyssey you can't just spam the predator bow; that shit was op in Origins.
Weren't invented yet
It's not enough
>not related to Origins
I meant not related to exploration
I played Origins after Odyssey after getting back to the series, and Origins was a boring, slow as balls grimdark piece of shit in comparison. Complete waste of time.
Oh fuck i just bought it because the cunts on this board said it was better
Always do the opposite of what Zig Forums says
i wouldn't worry too much about it, their similarities are far in excess of their differences
>he says while believing what a cunt on this board said was better
>Odyssey does everything better than Origins
it is egypt to be fair, bit of a hard-on for the ol' tombs.
Oh I'm sorry I didn't know we were talking about Tomb Raider
origins has the best protagonist of the series as well as being superior to odyssey
>game about EGYPT with EGYPTIAN TOMBS does TOMBS better
no shit
I don't think Greece is known for its tombs. The Labyrinth is nice, I guess.
I can't believe people like AC games. Better have pirated it and not paid full price
then they shouldn't have put a worse version of them in the game and instead put in something more meaningful instead of filler (which is 95% of odyssey's content as is)
they're both open world dogshit
>visually impressive but empty and boring
>absolutely huge for no reason
>billions of inane and pointless sidequests like "please massah find my golden statue heirloom it means so much to me!" or help this old man move hay about beecause his back hurts
>main quests are blocked behind level requirements so you have to do these pointless sidequests
>graphics and character animations took a huge backstep for quantity over quality
>open quest log, about 20 quests open
>look at map
>main quest marker is about 3000m away
>call horse
>it looks like a Boston Dynamics robot thing with its janky robotic animations
>bobble up and down and defy the laws of gravity to your destination
>your target is close use your eagle to spot your objectrive
>kill target
>repeat for about 25-30 hours
Jesus its just plain bad. Going to give Valhalla a miss.
i fucking love AC, except for Syndicate and Odyssey. Ubi Quebec should be set on fire.
Currently playing Origins and getting burned out by all the shitty samey question mark locations.
Is Odyssey's RPG mechanics add anything to the enjoyment? Honestly the only thing that could make me buy it is being able to do some sort of evil playthrough or be a cunt in the game. Is that possible with the choices?
It's not exactly horrible, but it's a solid step down in the quality of life improvements that Odyssey built upon.
I'm also not a sucker for the Egyptian setting, but that's purely subjective. Their beliefs, general architecture and way of life are so foreign to me, that it might've been straight-up fantasy fiction of peoples from another planet. If you ask me, they were the most hardcore into larping, more than any other people in documented human history.
>Is Odyssey's RPG mechanics add anything to the enjoyment?
Not even remotely. It makes every worse, in fact; the game is 10x more of a slog thanks to the level-scaled damage sponge enemies.
>no brotherhood
u wot m8?
They're both shit.
can this be turned off?