Okay, you have to admit, this is pretty based (formerly cringe)
Okay, you have to admit, this is pretty based (formerly cringe)
its pretty pozzed actually
Any CHAZ updates?
>cops can literally serve a no-knock warrant to the wrong address, and gun down the homeowner who is startled by the sudden break-in and tries to defend himself from unknown assailants, and the cops will get away with it
I don't understand why Americans are okay with this
is police the new n word?
we're not, but thats unrelated to whats happening and more importantly WHY its happening.
its like if cheap healthcare and medicine happen, which you want, but it happened to give trannies free hrt and it comes out of your wallet and now if any child deviates even slightly from cis mold they are given hrt by force.
so while you THINK this is good because cops are shitty, its not happening because cops are shitty and the result will not be better cops or better training
I would hope most are not okay with it. The preached alternative, from protesters mouths, is no police or severely reduced police. Businesses have been ransacked clean and civil order is slowing breaking down. We apparently need fascist style policing because it’s so crazy out there that places like Chicago routinely see double digits murders a weekend. It’s nuts out here
Police aren't perfect, there are corrupt cops, and some kind of reform is surely needed. However labeling every single cop as evil and abolishing them outright is not the way to go about it. It only leads to chaos, destruction, and a massive spike in crime. As these last few weeks have proven.
Bruh, just end qualified immunity. Cops get away with almost anything because of it.
and before you shitpost with
>rent free
its just an example