Elder Scrolls lore thred
TES Lore
I actually do not understand why people think that Thalmor want to destroy the towers, I think there is some major misunderstanding going on with lorefags.
There is actually nothing that suggests that they want to destroy all towers, there is a mention of the fact that Towers hold Mundus together in TES novels by a person who is not an expert...that is true, but not all towers do so. Red Mountain, Adamantine, White Gold help Mundus function but Crystal tower and Numidium are clearly not helping Mundus, while Orichalc and Snowthroat are unkown.
More importantly it seems that unmaking Talos and unbinding the Dragon/Time is far more important according to Altmer commentary by Kirkbride.
Lorkhan actually almost managed to reform fully during the Red Moment, it is not clear if it was Wulfharth being imbued with the Heart of Lorkhan or if it was actual avatar of Lorkhan following him, but he was becoming whole again.
Nerevar Indoril actually used Keening and Sunder in the same way Nerevarine will do in future to make Heart of Lorkhan un-solid and go into a non-corporeal form to stop this...of course Seht, Vehk and Ayem undid that to gain more power, but if no one would fuck with tonal tools again Heart of Lorkhan would just stay dormant in an "unsolid" form.
Mundus and Oblivion actually have a non-euclidean relationship with each other, Mundus contains Oblivion within its sphere and Oblivion contains Mundus according to Fanuithen. It is easier to imagine it like a sock, where the inner part of the sock is Mundus while the other part of the sock is Oblivion.
did they misrepresent towers?
He was born in High Rock. Due to the way TES genetics work, he would've popped out a Breton if he had a Breton mother.
It seems that the khajiit mythology was correct according to ESO while the theory about Lunar Lorkhan, that the moons are two parts of Lorkhans body is wrong though not entirely. From Khajiit myth we knew that when Jone and Jode (Masser and Secunda) cross, a third hidden moon is revealed and that is when their mane is born.
In ESO we get to visit the hidden third moon, and it is the actual corpse of Lorkhaj (Lorkhan), while it seems that Masser and Secunda form a "Lunar lattice" that acts as a force field protection of sorts from certain dark influences upon Mundus including the rotting corpse of Lorkhan.
Well, Talos=Lorkhan who is the reason why the Adamantite tower exists in the first place.
Outlaw worship of Talos and supress knowledge of him until all is gone, what do you think will happen in a world where mantling exists?