Another bugsnax thread since last one got deleted how about you mods delete all the tlou2 threads on this board instead...

Another bugsnax thread since last one got deleted how about you mods delete all the tlou2 threads on this board instead of the ones that actually talk about videogames?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why are people freaking out about this game being a "creepy weird vore fetish" game when Kirby, Yoshi and Pikmin exist?

if it was on switch and xbone nobody would complain typical anti sony bias on Zig Forums

>Another bugsnax thread since last one got deleted
The nigger mods actually deleted a videogame thread instead of the 20 Last of Us politics threads? I'm fucking shocked

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Bug Snax? Never heard of it. Could I interest you in some Insect Mealz instead?

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um these look exactly like bugsnax they even have the same packaging and logo on it but with a shitty insect mealz sticker on it

this is now a zoomer thread

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iam 33 years old and love bugsnax
kids these days are more into these weird shooty games i dont like em

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don't talk to me anymore ok

youre the only zoomer here considering you made a flossing gif in 2020

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Sir, I believe you've been mislead. It's obviously a very different product.

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hey dude look im just talkin bout bugsnax here nothing illegal

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isn't it pretty boomer to find zoomer memes years after they die?

I doubt you could even imagine it; that which commanded the island, giving taste its fullest brilliance. The Bugsnax. Oh, Bugsnax! Swallowed, by someone, or something. Don't tell me you're not invited. Look out at the town! It burns.

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If it was about any other snax i would be interested but bugs are gross and i don't want to look at them

>talk about videogames on Zig Forums, videogames
fucking nigger jannies

I just hope that this manages to scratch my Viva Pinata itch

Seems like there'll be a lot more to it than just that but if it just comes close enough I will be satisfied

only if the meme is 10+ years old otherwise its still zoomer territory
yes iam an actual expert on this field and studied it for years so you cannot disproof me

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Isn't it actually a horror game?

that was pretty cringe ngl

iam more interested in learning more about the muppet villagers and their personalities and backstories

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I fucking hate this game and hope it fails. I can already see children trying to vore animals and shit like oranges

we dont even know yet
theres some things that seem a little off
the official twitter just tweeted out "nobody suspects a thing" out of nowhere
i hope its gonna be a mix of family friendly cuddly fun and creepy ass eldritch horrors

And you call them InsectMealz despite the fact that these are snax's

If they pull something like that it could be good, but in the end wouldn't the esrb/pegi rating give away and mature themes?

what is the obsession over this game why so many threads

its not gonna be outright gore or stuff like that you can still put unnerving shit into a game without having to worry about the esrb rating theres lots of ways to do this

Yeah you're right, thought bug gore would be s major selling point to me. Btw do bugsnax swear?

iam into games that have animal collecting , town building and cool characters that i want to know more of
also the fact that these are bugs that look like snacks
how can you not love it?

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if I was obsessed over some autistic thing I could also just keep up back to back threads 247 so that's my guess

literally just 1 thread at any time instead of the 20 tlou 2 threads we have at any time

This but for the last of us and not for Bugsnax which only gets 1-2 threads a day that don't contain politics or culture war faggotry

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tlou 2 is one of the most anticipated games of the decade and a sequel to a belowed game and it's full meltdown now for a good reason

>beloved game
Go to your beloved threads and leave us snackers alone!

what's up my fellow snaktooth natives? i posted in four different bugsnax threads yesterday. let's see how many we get today. let's talk about bugsnax

that doesnt matter having more than 10 threads open about any game is annoying as hell and people on here dont even talk about the gameplay just about one particular scene because of politics
fuck off

I don't browse tlou 2 threads but I obviously understand what's going on with it

I'm liking the numbers

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last one got deleted for whatever reason
hope mods are actually leaving this one alone

here's your dev team bruh :^)

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sounds like one of the mods is a filthy antisnaxxer.

> can pleasure three women at once

should i start investing in bugsnax? its only gonna grow at this point

literal gods

do you think they snack on her bughole?

>stuff your new friends with bugsnax
so this is some kind of feeder fetish thing?

>all white
>no pink hairs
>controlled amounts of sóy (except the first guy)
could be worse

I think they suck each others sausages

no. its just bugsnax dude

I hope there will be bugsnax dlc so we get way more than just 100, I'm thinking 1000

in the trailer you can see how the mayor is being fed by the player so yes you can feed the villagers with bugsnax
but no feeder fetish since their body shape stays the same its just the material of their body that changes
i dont know yet how this is going to affect gameplay but considering the mayor burned an entire town down twice because of his weenie hands we can assume theres more to it than just visual difference

lmao are you serious that 100% sóy energy except maybe the bottom left one though that's arguable

Fuck off shill

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Invest and ingest.

you guys just make me want to post more bugsnax on here

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>no black people or ugly women in the game

yeah iam thinking its based
could give less of a shit what the devs look like aslong as they bring out a good game

Just here in support of the bugbros. Would rather this than yet another tlou thread.

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lol okay I'm just showed the dev team no need to damage control over it

Do what you want twitterfag bumping your own thread like a schizo doesn’t do much

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>talking about an exciting, unique upcoming games is shilling

you should try some bugsnax

the tlou2 spaming is part of the reason why iam making bugsnax threads

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This is one of the strangest viral campaigns i've seen, but i have to admit I am now thinking about bugsnax.