This is certainly problematic

How do we fix Nintendo, lads?

Last of Us part II had smashed Animal Crossing New Horizons Sales, Nintendo should really create more cinematic games.

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The most prized Switch game is a movie though. I watched it on YouTube.

It's like they want to be hated

The switch doesn't lack movie games, it lacks good games

Attached: haaah.png (166x166, 14.25K)

Thank god I can watch movies so I don't feel starved of cinematic experiences.

There’s nothing wrong with movie games

There is something wrong with saying they should be the standard

Mark my words. Nintendo will poach neil druckmann for botw3.

This HAS to be fake.

No fucking way people are this far gone

yeah gaymergay was right, alright.

I think it's just a difference in audiences, OP. I for one do not want a "deep cinematic" game. It would be trying to be like a movie, kind of defeating the purpose of the medium.

(and that's a good thing)

Yeah, a hate click is still a click.

when will nintendo start making good games again? it's getting kinda ridiculous at this point

Attached: 1591389292884.webm (852x480, 2.99M)

Travis Strikes Again has more kino in it than every PS4 exclusive combined but of course retarded journos wouldn't be able to see that.

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At least it’s got games.

Holy fuck these people are really cuckholds. Watch a fucking movie dumbass.

last item Nintendo tried to be cinematic, we got the abortion known as Other M

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has a shitload of movies in it, it is kinda cinematic, just asian cinematic rather than western.

the only time nintendo tried to make a movie game it gave us metroid other m which was one of the biggest disasters in their history so they should let specialists do it such as jews and sony (same thing)

nintendo games shouldnt try to be sony games but sony games shouldnt try to be movies either

>Travis Strikes Again has more kino in it than every PS4 exclusive combined but of course retarded journos wouldn't be able to see that.

Travis strikes is also on ps4

Ironically enough Sony does experimental shit better than Nintendo but they always forget it because it doesn't make enough money.
>the first Little Big Planets
>Fat Princess
>the VR mascot game

Xenoblade 2?

I'll take "Cinematic games with amazing stories and gameplay" for 500
>This is Nintendo's big RPG series of the 2010's that has 3 games and 1 expansion.
What is Xenoblade Chronicles from Monolith Soft?

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>Last of Us part II had smashed Animal Crossing New Horizons Sales
Citation needed.

Zelda's story stuff probably drove people like him up the fucking wall
>everything is skippable
>to get cutscenes you actually have to find them

*in the UK

No we need less movie games not more. Always waters down the gameplay

More sexy lolis and fun gameplay.

Attached: 1468942471678.gif (600x338, 1.62M)

but it;s also a 70ish hour long game.

>Ironically enough Sony does experimental shit better than Nintendo
no they fucking don't

Eh, not even a fair comparison.

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What's wrong with having a console dedicated to games instead of movie shit? KILL yourself

Attached: 1585600034043.jpg (944x1024, 106.14K)

So what you’re saying is that Nintendo focuses on making games?

Tell me something as experimental or creative as dreams

Attached: Incredible Mario 64 & 3D Donkey Kong Recreation in Dreams (1).webm (640x360, 2.88M)

>using melee atacks
you are playing it wrong

Attached: ZELDA BOW.webm (834x468, 2.07M)

That isn't saying much. In the UK AC had less sales than SwSh's 195,000 copies.

poor guy, what was he supposed to do with a bow in a melee fight?

>cinematic gameplay
wet fire


>choosing to be a snoy

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this becomes less cool when you realize the devs put the barrels there for that exact purpose


Because it makes money, yes.

>The switch lacks moviegames
Then watch a fucking movie you dumb söifaggot

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Attached: HYRULE SPACE PROGRAM.webm (640x480, 2.71M)

>cinematic shit
Nah, thanks.

Attached: 1592759776426.jpg (751x734, 119.3K)

Riddle me this: why does the game have 13 hours of cutscenes if the gameplay is supposedly so good and abundant? You're admitting that the gameplay is so terrible that you need gimmicky trash to keep you interested. No game in existence should ever "need" storytelling and cutscenes.

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>destroys two good weapons to get a wooden bow
Git gud scrub

Itt: triggered nintendo nusoymales sad none of their games match the deep cinematic experience of the sonychads

Disaster: Day of Crisis needs a sequel or an HD polishing

>Tell me something as experimental or creative as dreams
>posts nintendo game made in dreams

>Smashed Animal Crossing sales

Find this unlikely

nintendo makes games that make money, not records

the last of us 2 ain't making money no matter how many records it makes, its fucked


Metroid Other M was kino, and one of the best nintendo games.

the japanese version yes

What the fuck are you even saying?

>100+ hour JRPG, 14 hours of cutscenes
>20 hour game, 11 hours of cutscenes

>Cutscenes are gimmicks

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