All I can say is that Sega has four announcements for tomorrow

>Yakuza Kiwami 2 (Xbox One); Ready to go

>Yakuza Remastered Collection (Xbox One and Steam); Winter 2020

>New Sonic 2D; TBA 2021?

>Persona 3 Portable (Steam); Ready to go

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>Persona 3 Portable (Steam); Ready to go
Don't play with my feelings, user.

Big if true, but why release yakuza 7 first and then 3-4-5 right after?

>ports ports ports ports
I sleep

>Yakuza Remastered Collection (Xbox One and Steam); Winter 2020
Don't give me false hope, OP.
What about the detective game?

>Persona 3 Portable (Steam); Ready to go

why would they release the inferior version? and why would they call it portable if it's on PC?

Attached: B5R27W3w_400x400.jpg (183x183, 4.9K)

>Persona 3 Portable (Steam); Ready to go
please god be fucking real

Attached: 1578797939358.jpg (255x255, 17.47K)

I sleep
They need to make a "definitive" edition with the advantages of both FES and Portable without their respective downsides.


FES source code is long gone, user