would the game have been better if it was told in a different and less anachronic order? >flashbacks are the intro and tutorial, and a little more >then game starts in the present time, you know, Ellie being 19 >You get introduced to Abby and her past after being introduced to adult Ellie, in the same way >this ends up with both stories merging in golf scene and the game continuing the story, now with context >only flashbacks left are some cutscenes in specific situations (or when the flashback has an important significance over what's happening outside of it)
I just think if they would have shown me lil gramps death after showing me more of his development and memories formed with Ellie between the games, more people would have forgiven it, as, accept it, everyone knew they would kill him, the difference is how abruptly (which by itself makes an important point in the plot, but still, man).
No, the game would've been better if the game didn't force you to play as Abbystrong, so the game is 10 hours shorter and doesn't turn into a slog
Wyatt Jenkins
No because the only problem with the story is that entitled fans didn't get what they wanted. "NOOO NOOO I didn' want Joel to die and if he had died then he should have died like Jesus sacrificing himself for ours sins!!".
It's super pathetic, but that's entitled fans for you, if it was up to them, GoT would have ended with Daenerys and Jon marrying and living happy ever after.
Juan Nelson
the message of the game is not only that violence is an all consuming cancer, but also that you need to see different perspectives. when you think about it, what abby did is exactly what ellie starts doing in the first half of the game and even worse because ellie also takes people who had nothing to do with it.
Nathaniel Collins
>20 hours game >slog you don't play a lot do you
Juan Watson
I think it would've been better received if it wasn't Joel and Ellie. It's hard to take Abby's side because these characters are so beloved so you just end up hating her instead of sympathizing with her.
Blake Sanchez
Hm, that's a good take
I think it would have been better received if Dina took Joel's place, as they made the fanbase think in the first place. It would technically be the same as the first one with Sarah (who we knew for 10 minutes) dying, but everything for muh old genocidal character to stay alive. Still the plot would have been less complicated as Abby doesn't have a reason to kill Dina and they would have needed to create one for it to be similar, but at the same it would be less impactful, you know what, I don't even know what would calm these retards
Isaac Powell
>No because the only problem with the story is that entitled fans didn't get what they wanted. Yeah, because a revenge story where mow down hundreds of people including an pregnant women just to stop at the target of your rage becaue "Joel wouldn't want that" is such good writing you reddit spacing retard.
Nicholas Reyes
almost every revenge story could be explained as short as possible in that way and that doesn't mean that's the entire thing
Kevin Powell
there are many easy ways to improve the story like >swapping joel and abby in the first scene >swap dina for tommy to recreate the first game >get rid of the flashbacks within flashbacks within flashbacks >get rid of the 10 hour sidequest and so on but neil wanted to make this game "his" way and Im certain that most of the team dislike the finnal product
Jason Robinson
This game should have never happened.
Wyatt Moore
What else was there ? The highly emotional relationship between Ellie, the Jew and the throwaway Asian ? The good Character Arc of Abby ?
It was a horrible paced torture porn with bad characters and horrible story.
Jace Hill
Instead of Flashbacks taking hours long, why didn't they just pull a RE2 and have you play one side then the other?
Blake Green
>play one side then the other? This could make it way better if you leave some important facts vague in first one and have some answered in the second playthrough. You'd need to cut down the length and alter it enough to keep both playthroughs fresh but i'm thinking it's already a better idea than anyone in the whole process of creating Tlou2 had.
Ayden Miller
The game would have been better as a straight up revengeance story without the literal gay shit and other agenda pushing crap. Joel dying is fine and Ellie wanted to curb stomp the one who did it is fine, but i dont need to see gay sex or lbgt shit. Yes, Ellie is gay in the first game but it left it as that. It didnt push the subject. This however is like its saying accept this reality or youre a homo hating nigger.
Game is what you expect but the forced lbgt and other shit drukman obviously shoehorned in this just killed what could have been a good ol revenge story.
Dylan Roberts
You missed the part where she get’s more and more torn after killing Abby’s partners 1 by 1, culminating in finding out Mel’s preggers and losing it.
Killing others is an option, I prefer stealthing (I don’t count killing infected).
Kevin Butler
>Remove all the SJW LGBTQ pandering dialogs
Sound good.
Juan Allen
>You missed the part where she get’s more and more torn after killing Abby’s partners 1 by 1, culminating in finding out Mel’s preggers and losing it. No, compared to games like Spec Ops the Line it was just so suttle it was bearly noticable except with Mel.
Hudson Fisher
Pyrrhic victory for Neil. He completed his vision but at the cost of tainting the name of Naughty Dog even more and making his employees fucking wished Hitler had won?
Nah, this is why free reign and control is a fucking bad idea. Keep the directors in check but dont take away their vision. Did Sony not learn from Kojima?
Andrew Green
Abby is a remorseless psychopath. Here's the difference between Ellie and Abby - Ellie was completely nauseated with herself when she realized she unwittingly killed a pregnant woman while Abby was full with glee when she learned Dina was pregnant as killing her in front of Ellie would hurt that much more.
Hudson Baker
Yeah it would have been a 5/10 instead of a 4/10.
Henry Parker
Just have us play as Tommy and it honestly would've been 8/10 at least. Ellie isn't even invested in the story and is always a step behind. She is so poorly invested that she doesn't forgive Joel even after his death and decides he is not worth avenging. Tommy going after Abby and killing most of her crew but getting so beat up in the process that he can't go on and realises he should just go home to his loving wife is fine.
David Martin
if you think about it this is the same thing that happened with Kojima and Death Stranding. I just hope it doesn't get a Zig Forums redemption arc like Death Stranding "did", but as more people is actually playing it that seems closer than far
Adrian Long
If those 20hours aren't fun it's a slog you goddamn mongoloid
Brandon Nguyen
>Ellie was completely nauseated with herself when she realized she unwittingly killed a pregnant woman Killing dozen of people, no problem. Killing a pregnant Women, oh noes what i have become !?
What a retarded contrieved line to draw, Druckmann is a hack.
Isaac Myers
I agree with this. A segment where Tommy is just mowing down WLF grunts with his sniper rifle would have been pure kino.
Xavier Thomas
She’s already fucked after doing what she does to Nora (literally the same as Abby did to Joel after throwing her in a den of fungus and spores).
The turning point is there.
Also the more subtle ones like the asian chick with the PSP add to this.
The story has many flaws and you can hate the SJW pandering (I do agree it does too much, having Ellie/Dani would have been enough).
But I’m hearing a lot of arguments from people that clearly prove they didn’t play it, nor “watch” it properly.
Honestly, how can people still defend this shit? This forced edginess, with the sex and weed, "and we are so different than other game companies" is actually next level woke. Imagine killing Joel, the person you play throughout "all" of the first game in the first hour of LastOfUs2 (more/less), and to the person who kill him, being the one he saved, there is no conflicted emotions, no seconds thoughts, its just "I'm Joel" "I'm dead". >b-bu-but he killed Abby dad! Ah, Abby, a character that was presented in the second part, that we know absolutely fucking nothing besides she wants revenge, are we honestly suppose to care? That's like playing a full game with the main character for then switching to one of the "bad" guys and kill you. This, woke mentality is literally fucking everything.
Anthony Perry
10 dry ass hours as abby, to force you to feel some kind of empathy towards her just for a shitty equally bland ending that panders to everyone
10/10- IGN
Easton Anderson
kill Ellie instead of Joel there, expectations subverted to hell and back
>entilted fans You are such a faggot, I bet you enjoyed the Star Wars trilogy and GOT ending. This trying to be woke niggers
Hudson Green
There's people not acustomed to videogame violence, and this game is as graphic as it gets, as it helps building that gritty "fuck what did I do" athmosphere, as most kills and deaths in the game look and sound like a liveleak video (compressed quality aside)
Carter Harris
I didnt bother with death stranding but i informed myself about the game. I knew i would not like it. Kojima or not, i dont ride the guys dick. Im one of the few that liked MGSV.
TLoU2 is a fine game, if you like uncharted youll like this as well as the first game. The whole gay agenda really over did it and got to the point that if i dont agree with some of the context im a fucking homophobe. Great friend of mine is a homo but it does not matter because gay or not does not impact what i think of him and vice versa.
This game though made me question my outlook for a second and that shit was not ok. Gays are fine. We just dont need to be force fed their ideologies.
I wanted to like this game but god damn it was a slog and just not fun as the first.
James Lee
>The story has many flaws and you can hate the SJW pandering (I do agree it does too much, having Ellie/Dani would have been enough). That's pretty much all i critiqued, the story isn't really great, the characters are as flat as abby and the pacing feels like a slow season of the walking dead. The pandering could have been 0 for all i care, the whole Lesbian Couple with an Asian Kid from the quickly killed Asian Guy. The whole Bigot Sandwich was infuriating, Ellie is a fucking bitch and by the end, i was rooting for the roided Abby. > But I’m hearing a lot of arguments from people that clearly prove they didn’t play it, nor “watch” it properly. >"watch" it properly. Is it like reading a book wrong because one came to the "wrong" conclusion ? Or do you mean, not paying enough attention ?
Nathaniel Flores
>would the game have been better if it was told in a different and less anachronic order?
The game would have been better if it wasn't connected to the first game at all.
Dylan Green
He had such a bad way to go out, and you faggots are saying "Joel dying is fine" holy fuck, I sometimes wonder if Zig Forums actually likes games
Matthew Lewis
>as most kills and deaths in the game look and sound like a liveleak video It's very hit or miss. Many look comically cartoonish (The Pregnant Women as an example).
Charles Nelson
that boy ain't right
Easton Cruz
>Also the more subtle ones like the asian chick with the PSP add to this. That one seems like she was willing to let her go until the girl tried to attack her. "That was stupid" indeed.
Caleb Edwards
The game would have been better if it was never made. TLOU1 had the perfect ending for these characters.
Alexander Baker
Jaxson Peterson
Well the pregnant one basically runs into her blade aswell, Enemies seem to be rather suicidal and stupid, bravo Dr. Cuckmann.
Lincoln Williams
It's egregious how in the first game, Joel could spot an ambush a mile away but in this second game he's a naive idiot. Joel should have went down fighting and the player should have been in control of his final segment a la John Marston in RDR.
Joseph Jackson
>you faggots are saying "Joel dying is fine" holy fuck
The mere thought process of writing a sequel to TLoU and saying "lets kill the MAIN FUCKING CHARACTER in opening prologue" is about about as insulting and vituperative as you can get.
Not paying attention I guess. Not specifically aimed at your OP.
I had no big issues with the story that were so significant that it would make be say the game in its entirety is worth any grade below an 8/10.
I actually liked the asynchronous stories, for instance when it dawned on me that I killed Alice as Ellie, while she’s trying to be a good girl to Abby and the crew. Or when literal who’s such as Asian PSP girl actually got a face.
Leo Murphy
I heard something about Fans liking Joel too much and since he is an embodyment of "toxic masculinity" for those faggots they wanted to get rid of him. Seems like making him stupid, useless and redundant followed the Star Wars Story writting where Males get made into jokes and then either forgotten or killed off.
The pacing is a little off as it's all pretty happy until the middle of the game.
Isaac Allen
Doesn't help that the entire story is shit and *story* and *characters* is what made the original game special.
Ayden Roberts
Yeah, He was always super conscious but I think over the years people he got somewhat complacent and that with + him getting old, got him dulled. But man there's really no excuse for this, what a bad, bad sequel
Kevin Bell
>I had certain issues with the story that were so significant that it would make me say the game in its entirety is worth any grade above 8/10. Fixed for me. I can't give an game with such flaws such an high score. >I actually liked the asynchronous stories, for instance when it dawned on me that I killed Alice as Ellie, while she’s trying to be a good girl to Abby and the crew. Or when literal who’s such as Asian PSP girl actually got a face. I kind of agree, it wasn't the worst but honestly playing Route A and then Route B or the other way around would probably have worked better if they managed to keep both runs fresh and interesting.... and also cut of lots of the filler.
Ryder Harris
Did you forgot to watch the part where they just save this “random” girl from getting fucked by a horde, after which they get the fuckin horde on their backs and basically have no proper place to run besides the one Abby mentions? Serendipity fuckers.
This argument is the same as people saying
>Hurrdurr Abby just randomly manages to find Joel in the middle of a big ass country
It’s literally explained that they’ve been looking for leads for years and finally got a good one leading to the above.
Easton Jackson
Joel, the same guy that followed the leader of the fireflies to her base after killing her weapons dealer. The same guy that got sacrificed by two niggers and when he was found by them again, he forgave what they did like "yeah, that's ok" The same guy that lived almost carelessly in an almost utopic camp for years, just caring about her daughter, becoming softer than ever, and regretting his actions from the past
Camden Robinson
>It’s literally explained that they’ve been looking for leads for years and finally got a good one leading to the above.
Look what I found! A city Must be them! An outpost too! Woah man nice tracking!