Sly > Jak > Ratchet

Sly > Jak > Ratchet

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Ratchet = Sly > Jak

Femsly when?

and yet ratchet is the only one alive

I never played Sly. For me its Jak>Ratchet and I stopped playing Ratchet after Deadlocked.

Also Carmelita is the only fox girl I’d bone.

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ps2 ratchet > sly > jack >ps3 ratchet > ps4 ratchet

Sly 2 is legit the best game on the system.

I read the Sly Cooper comic the other day and I noticed they made her look quite sexy in it.

She looks like she fucks human men

What horrific taste.

Post good Carmalita references pleasee

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I’m sure you have better taste...

fuck sly 4

I do, yes.

Prove it.


Do you think she secretly enjoyed the belly dancer mission?

God damn furries stop making me hard.

we really need mor carmelita porn

it's official art...

If you liked Jak more than Ratchet, YOU are responsible for Neil Druckmann

>Carmelita! We need to you strip and pole dance to distract the goons!

The character artist for Sly 4 is a huge furry and she was pissed they made Carmelita less hot for the actual game.

Sly Cooper is outdated. It has it's appeal and some of it's mechanics are surprisingly fun but you literally could not make another one. Look how hard 4 got shit on despite gameplay being a pretty logical evolution, it feels like a 4th game in pretty much every way.

I fucking loved the sly games. Out of those 3 series I replayed sly the most because it was fun to run around the open world with the characters and it had some pretty fun linear segments in 2/3 but I think it's one of the more outdated games of it's time.

I've been playing Infamous 1 for the first time recently and I like how much sly influence you can see in it even if the gameplay and tone are completely different

>Also Carmelita is the only fox girl I’d bone.
How this crap may be better than classic ratchet & Jak. I mean sly was made by hardcore seattle furfags, lol, no jokes. Sucker punch in early 2000s hire hardcore furfags from confurence that make porn for furries. And it's easily check by former sucker punch employers through facebook. Also sly is just broing typcial sandbox level; based game with tons of grind. Also everyone is who love this crappy series is literally furry and have bestiality and want fuck animals in anus, no jokes. This is the most furry game ever made lol. I don't know how this crap get high scores, only because it's noir style?

I only got interested in Sly because of Carmelita but the gameplay and style always seemed like something I'd enjoy are the games easy to emulate now or should I get a playstation?

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ps2 emulation is pretty iffy
buy the ps3 remaster collection

PS3 collection via disc or PSNow (only on PS4)
Or PS2

>Also Carmelita is the only fox girl I’d bone.
good taste

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