Start new game

>start new game
>instantly google "[game] tips"
I hope none of you does this

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please dump your entire "anime girls looking disgusted" folder

Chitose is best girl

Why does she look so pissed?

ESL-kun why are you doing this?

I did it for bloodborne, dark souls and VTMB because they don't bother much explaining mechanics

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I read the wikipedia page for a game after beating it

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>First playthrough
Blind, no guides, not even discussing game until complete
>Second playthrough
Completionist, will always prefer discussion with other players than outright using a guide

>tfw manga is on hiatus

Only if im too brainlet for the game mechanics.
I.e Harvest moon/Rune Factory

Wow, what an original take!

I do it because some games suck ass explaining simple time saving mechanics.

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Why would I do that when I've already google it to know everything that matters?

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All good manga go on painful hiatuses

>corrupted by trophy hunting
>start an 80 hour rpg
>have mini panic attack trying to find a spoiler free platinum guide
>"game requires 3 playthroughs"
>panic for nothing
I refuse to play a game that long multiple times for some 60x60p jpeg to turn from black to platinum. Luckily I'm not THAT obsessed by trophies

I google "game walkthrough" instead and check out the gamefaqs guides

I do this all of the time

>start new game
>instantly google "[game] tips"
>read walk-through
>annoyed by ending
>return game

counterpoint: sayonara zetsubou sensei

I have two total opposite friends.

One likes to get info on a game on a third party site while playing it so he at least knows what to do.

One other doesn't do jack shit and kind of follows me around. And doesn't want to learn.

I played Divinity 2 with the first and Terraria with the second.

Friend 1 is an elitist who got pissed at me for accidentally killing him while healing him because he had decay.

Friend 2 said he can't get into terraria because he doesn't know what to do.

Nope but what I usually do is
>playing game
>get stuck at any point for more than 30 seconds
>immediately alt+tab and search "X game walkthrough" on youtube

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>[game] tips.
>"dont invest on [X], he is going to die/betray you".

fuck what a bitch think

I look up exploits before even starting a game

I only do it for competitive games because come on I don't Wana be bad there and in mmorpgs so I know if I should sell all items or keep for disenchantment

>Start new game
>instantly google "[game] nude mods"
why do PC gamers do this.

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this is a blue board sir, best I can do is one

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i did this with STALKER:SoC. it's really kicking my ass.

I never cared for nude mods since they look clunky, unnatural and not all that great actually but the nude mods for REmake 2 and 3 unironically made me enjoy the game 10 times more

anonette why dont you have a boyfriend yet?

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>start new game
>get stuck on part
>google *characters name*
>suggested search *characters name* death scene

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>star new game
>instantly open game wiki's
yeah, it's winning time

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>start new game
>look up character i'm interested in
>spoil the rest of the game / their arc entirely
>get mad

I do this over and over. Why.

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Hoax, that girl is a paid actor.

Can you give me a synopsis? All I've read is that the protag is really negative. What's the story like?

me too, usually i create a thread in Zig Forums if i like the game a lot

>100% old game
>Or try to
>Some collectable memes I just can't find
>Finally bite the bullet and look up where they are
>They're in places that are literally impossible to find on your own and you basically need a guide to find them

Was this something they did in old games to force you into buying guides just to further line their pockets?

>start new game
>look up character i'm interested in on Google
>first recommendation "[character] death scene"

It's the same for TV shows and movies and I absolutely detest it.